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Benátské bienále divadla 2005 chystá novou sekci

Benátky, Itálie
ekce Bienále bude věnovaná umělcům a divadelním skupinám z celého světa, jejichž práce skrývá budoucí trendy a dosud nebyla představena. Cílem je podtrhnout rozpory v oblasti divadla probádáním všech jeho forem, které kladou otázky týkající se samotné presentace. Projekty je možno zasílat do 30. června 2004.

Edition 2005
Direction: Romeo Castellucci

For 2005 the Venice Biennale Theatre is planning a new section devoted to artists and theatre companies worldwide who have still not shown their work, but whose work conceals future trendsThissection aims to underscore contradictions in the field of drama by exploring all those forms that raise questions concerning representation itself. We wish moreover to see whether we can detect a vital energy that will allow drama to survive in the present day and age.This edition of the Biennale intends leaving the spirit of dry land behind and addressing the sea. In this way we'll be tackling danger and non-closure. This edition intends breaking the traditional pattern in order to build inventions of radically new shapes.Our concern with places all over the world, however, does not amount to a kind of mapping of world theatre. It is rather a matter of investigating specific expressive tendencies. We will therefore be accepting shows, with any theme, mode and length whatsoever.Only written applications of your proposals will be considered, including videos of your most recent work. We do not wish to examine biogs, academy references, stage, workshops, articles, but only your project and your way of working as individual artists and as a company.The selection will be based exclusively on your expressive calibre and artistic ideas.The results will be communicated to all applicants. If your proposal is assessed favourably, we will ask to be able to come and attend one of your performances. This is an essential criterion before a possible invitation to bring your work to the Venice Biennale.All applications should be sent to Teatro Comandini Via Serraglio 22, 47023 Cesena, Italia by 30/06/2004. The material sent will not be returned.There will not be given further explanations beyond what is written here.

(17.06.2004) ZDROJ: Divadlo Alfred ve dvoře

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