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Castingový workshop pro herce

Nancy Bishop (casting director) nabízí dne 30. října v Praze workshop pro herce, kteří chtějí hrát v amerických a britských filmech. Registrace je nutná do 20. října 2004.

Casting Workshops
For the actor

American Casting Director, Nancy Bishop, is offering casting workshops for actors interested in working in American and British films. The workshop, taught in English, will focus on strategies and approaches for the film casting.

Areas covered will be:

  • How to present oneself at a casting
  • what directors look for from actors in a casting
  • how to tackle dialogue in a casting
  • approaches for non dialogue scenes

Nancy Bishop is a Casting Director in Prague. Over the past five years she has cast European-based actors in over thirty American and British films shot in Central Europe, including Bourne Identity, AnneFrank the Whole Story, Hitler the Rise of Evil, xXx, Bad Company, and Blade II.

Cost: 2,000 Kč or €65 (Please register before 20 Oct. After 20 Oct, €80 or 2500 Kč)
Time: 12:00 - 17:00
Date: Saturday, 30 October, 2004
Place: Storm Bohemia, Biskupsky Dvur 4, Prague 1 (Tram stops Bila Labut on trams #8,#3, #24 or #26, or between the Namesty Republiky and Florence Metro stops.)
For map consult:

Please register by sending an email to: Please send your name, email
address and telephone number. To hold your place, please send a deposit by bank transfer to Ebanka, 1146961001/2400. You can pay a deposit of 1000 Kč or €30, and pay the rest on the day of the workshop, or you can send the entire amount in advance, but you WILL NOT HAVE A PLACE HELD IN THE WORKSHOP UNLESS YOU MAKE THE DEPOSIT.

Questions, or Further Information:
Email Nancy Bishop directly at: or call +4202 2490 2655

Nancy Bishop Casting
Anenske nam. 2
110 00 Prague 1

tel.: +4202 2490 2655
Fax: +4202 2490 2656


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