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3. mezinárodní cena španělského Castellón County Council

3rd International Painting Prize of the Castellón County Council / 3. mezinárodní malířská cena, kterou vyhlásil Castellón County Council je jednou z nejlépe placených cen na světě, kterou sponzoruje Modern Painters, LTB, jedno z největších nakladatelství umělecké a informační literatury. Do 31. srpna 2006 mohou umělci bez ohledu na národnost, trvalý pobyt či věk zaslat materiály, které budou posuzovány mezinárodní porotou, ve které zasednou osobnosti jako např. Franz Ackermann, Barry Schwabsky či Karen Wright. Cena představuje částku ve výši 60 000 Euro. Soutěž je zaměřena na "expanded painting" , respektive vztahy a interakce malířství s dalšími médii jako je fotografie, video, instalace, socha nebo nové technologie (malířství, 3D, koláže, projekce, instalace...). Cílem je napomoci prosadit výrazné talenty na mezinárodní scéně současného umění. 

The Castellón County Council (Spain) is delighted to announce the 3rd edition of its International Painting Prize.

Dedicated to expanded painting and on any kind of support, the Castellón Painting Prize of 60.000 € is one of the highest paid awards in the world.

Any artist is invited to take part, regardless of his/her nationality, residence or age.

Entry conditions have been amended and entrants will no longer have to send the original work but can send the required material by email.

Please read the FAQ’s carefully before accessing the conditions of the prize. And don't forget to fill the form.

Once again the County Council has selected a distinguished international jury:

* Franz Ackermann, artist
* Barry Schwabsky, writer and art critic.
* Javier Panera, Director Domus Artium (DA2), Salamanca.
* Karen Wright, Editor Modern Painters magazine
* Wences Rambla, Professor of Aesthetics at the University Jaime I Castellón.

and acting as pre-jury are:

*Martin Herbert, art critic, regular contributor to Artforum
*Rosa Ulpiano, independent art critic and curator, Valencia.
*Paco Barragán, artistic director prize and independent curator

For the development of the prize please check this web and remember the calendar:

*Submission Entries…………………………………...1, June – 31, Aug. 06
*Entrants meeting prejudges. ………………………….Beginning Sept.06
*Announcement shortlisted artists on the web…………Beginning Oct.06
*Sending of the works to the Museum…………………Beginning Oct. 06
*Exhibition shortlisted artists in Museo de Castellón…1, Nov-31, Dec.06
*Meeting jury for selection winner in Castellón………Beginning Dec.06
*Return works…………………………………………. Mid January 07

The II Castellón Painting Prize was won by Melvin Martínez from Puerto Rico with the work Wonderland/El país de las maravillas (2005), 229x214cm, mixed media. Winners of an Honour Mention were Manu Muniategiandikoetxea (Spain) and Toño Barreiro (Spain)

The III International Painting Prize is sponsored by Modern Painters, an LTB publication, one of the world’s largest arts publishers and art information provider.

If after reading the FAQ’s and the conditions you still have any questions, please contact

Další informace: (Eng) (Espa)

(23.08.2006) ZDROJ: e-flux
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