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Actors seeking Authors

Řím, Itálie
Evropská soutěž pro nové divvadelní autory byla založena v roce 1985 s cílem vytvořit jakési "gymnázium pro autory". Pozornost soutěže se však zásadně přenesla na italské divadelní panorama a vyrovnávání nedostatků v rozpoznávání, propagaci a oceňování mladých italských autorů. V roce 2003 organizátoři soutěž otevřeli celé Evropě a od té doby se svými divadelními hrami zúčastňuje více než 100 evropských autorů. Soutěž je otevřena divadelním hrám pro 3 postavy o délce 30-35 minut a to v italštině či angličtině. Texty musí být zaslány do 15. července 2006. Vítěz dostane 1 000 Euro.

Rome, Italy

European Contest for New Theatrical Authors
Call for proposal

The festival ACTORS SEEKING AUTHORS was established in 1985 with the intent of creating a kind of "gymnasium for authors". It rapidly brought itself to the attention of the Italian theatrical panorama by compensating a lack in identifying, promoting, and appreciating young Italian authors.

Created and directed by actor and director Ennio Coltorti with the support of ETI (Italian Theatrical Board), each year the festival presents unedited theatrical pieces, which were specifically commissioned from young Italian authors.

New "European" Perspective
Maintaining its tradition of promoting and scouting new recruits in the Italian theatrical world, the organizers decided in 2003 to open up the competition to the rest of Europe. Since then more than 100 European authors participate sending their playwrights.

Theatre creates mutual awareness and stimulates social and cultural integration in Europe.

ACTORS SEEKING AUTHORS would like to become a point of exchange, formation, promotion, and production within the theatrical context in Europe; and most of all as a mobilization for the young practitioners in this field. This reason makes comprehensible the presence among organizers of the Municipality of Rome, the Cultural Association Cantiere Europa, IMAIE, Silvio D’Amico Drama Academy and some Foreign Embassies in Rome, which are going to provide support for the realization of the festival.

The festival formula
The selected plays will be presented on stage in two evenings, in Italian language, directed by Ennio Coltorti and performed by Italian actors willing to collaborate with the event.

The foreign selected authors will be invited in Rome during the festival (journey and accommodation in charge of the organizers) with the intent of stimulating the exchange of ideas and theories among young European artists.

The Italian organizers of the festival ACTORS SEEKING AUTHORS are currently searching for points of reference with young European authors.

Entry guidelines for the contest of 2006:
The competition is opened for Plays with 3 characters lasting 30-35 min in Italian or in English language. (Charges for the translations will be at the author’s expense).

Interested authors must send their texts by mail not later than July the 15th 2006.

The Festival will take place in Rome at Quirino "Vittorio Gassman" Theatre.

The winner will receive a 1.000 Euro prize.

Plays must be sent with a CV via e-mail.

If the project introduced in the following document is of any interest to you, please contact the Italian organisers in order to establish measures that might help to broaden the topic.

Více informací:


(30.06.2006) ZDROJ: Artservis

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