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Celeste Prize 2009 mezinárodní cena současného umění

Nová mezinárodní cena Celeste Prize, ve které umělci rozhodnou, kdo obdrží 5 cen v hodnotě 40. 000 Euro v pěti kategoriích malba, fotografie a digitální grafika, socha a instalace, video a animace a živá média.  Vyhlášení vítězů a vystavení prací proběhne v Berlíně v září 2009. Ze 46 finalistů vybere pět vítězů mezinárodní porota. Celeste Prize je organizována neziskovými subjekty v Itálii a Německu. Uzávěrka pro předkládání projektů do soutěže je 30. června 2009.
Celeste Prize is an international contemporary arts prize and an online community for arts professionals

A new international contemporary art prize in which artists decide who wins the prize money!
40,000 Euro prizes in 5 prize categories: Painting, Photography & Digital Graphics, Installation & Sculpture, Video & Animation, and Live Media.
Final exhibitions and awards ceremony in Berlin, Germany, end-September 2009 at the Alte AEG Fabrik, 5 Voltastrasse.

The 46 finalist artists are chosen by a panel of international art critics: Mark Gisbourne, Adrienne Goehler, and Victoria Lu, while Live Media artists are selected by Claudio Sinatti and a panel of consultants with specific experience in audiovisual performance.

Deadline for prize entries: 30 June 2009 (launched 23 December 2008)

To be part of the community and meet other art professionals, you need to register

Celeste Prize is organised by non-profit cultural associations in Italy and Germany: Associazione Culturale L'Albero Celeste and Celeste e.V. Both associations were founded by Steven Music, who has organised similar artist-led prizes in Germany, Italy and the UK since 2004.

Statement by the Berlin jurists

Adrienne Goehler, Mark Gisbourne, Victoria Lu and Claudio Sinatti:

"It is a charming idea to as it were revivify the idea of a final outcome of 'artist(s) choosing artist(s)', and is reminiscent of the traditional idea of artistic body of 'Societies of Artists', such as that which formed the Salon d'Automne of Paris, in 1906.

The Celeste Prize thus appears on several levels to give a new and fresh format to things, expressing international artist connections through the internet, and with a mediating panel of art world professionals placed in the position of preliminary and intermediary assessment. Thus the art professionals set the discursive and outline of frame, while the final outcome in determined by returning matters to the artists themselves.

Also the idea of an open and accessible entry, without barriers and inhibitions, as to the sources of applications and with regards to the participants is also a commendable idea. In the context of 'art prizes' Celeste has de-formalised things and extinguished many of the stultifying aspects of traditional art prize administration and their juries".

Statement by Steven Music, founder of Celeste Prize

"Celeste Prize has been some 2 years in the making, and now that it is with us, I hope we can take-up all that the online network offers, use it to create new working environments that enrich our lives and challenge us further, and give precedence to artists' visions and views. Our Celeste online community is 'CStudios' we can use it to get to know each other better and other contemporary art professionals worldwide".

'Celeste Prize 2009', Associazione Culturale L'Albero Celeste, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (SI), Italy. Tel & Fax +39 0577 939425

(23.01.2009) ZDROJ: Celeste Prize

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