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Cena Muzea Georgie O´Keeffe

Každé tři roky vyhlašuje Muzeum Georgie 0´Keeffe v Novém Mexiku cenu ve výši 5000 USD pro autora/ry pubikace, která se zabývá některým aspektem amerického modernismu (1890 až do současnosti) včetně architektury, umělecké kritiky, designu, methodologie umění, malby, fotografie, sochařství a souvisejících témat a byla publikována v posledních dvaceti pěti letech. Uzávěrka pro nominace je 1. března 2009.

The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum announces $5,000 book prize to be awarded every three years to the author(s) of a book on some aspect of American Modernism (1890s to the present) including architecture, criticism, design, methodology, painting, photography, sculpture, and related subjects, published within the last 25 years.

The award will be based on excellence, originality, quality of writing and scholarship, contribution to knowledge, and significance to the field. The winner will be selected by a committee of scholars not affiliated with the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Research Center.

Please submit a letter of nomination with the title and author of the book by mail or email before March 1, 2009 for the first award, which will be made in September of 2009,

Book Prize, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Research Center

217 Johnson Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501.

For additional information, please contact the

Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Research Center at: 505.946.1002

(03.02.2009) ZDROJ: Georgia O´Keeffe Museum

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