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Ceny Transmediale 2010

Berlín, Německo
Festival Transmediale a CTM (Club Transmediale) vyhlašují soutěž o cenu "Transmediale Award Competition 2010" a cenu "Vilem Flusser Theory Award 2010." Předkládány mohou být umělecké práce, projekty a stanoviska, reagující na převratně se měnící svět postavený na neustálém propojování digitálních a technologických platforem. Transmediale hledá inovativní, experimentální a vizionářské práce rozmanitých podob kriticky reflektujících naši současnost. Práce prohlubující porozumění společnosti poháněné technologiemi a imerzními médii. Mezi držitele ceny Transmediale patřili v minulosti  umělci jako Herman Asselberghs, Shilpa Gupta, Harwood/Wright/Yokokoji, Zhou Hongxiang, Istvan Kantor, Thomas Koener, Julia Meltzer/David Thorne, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Netochka Nezvanova, schoenerwissen,, Adrian Ward, Herwig Weiser and 242.pilots. Členové poroty letošního ročníku jsou Michelle Kasprzak (Edinburgh), Jose Luis de Vicente (Barcelona), Li Zhenhua (Beijing/Zurich), Yves Bernard (Brussels), Doreen Mende (Berlin).   Výše ocenění je 10.000 Euro. Uzávěrka soutěže je 31. července 2009.

Transmediale Award 2010
Vilém Flusser Theory Award 2010

As leading international festivals for art and digital culture as well as adventurous music and related visual arts, respectively, transmediale and CTM (club transmediale) are inviting submissions to the transmediale Award Competition 2010 and the Vilem Flusser Theory Award 2010. Invited are art works, projects and positions that respond to the challenges of our rapidly changing digital, technological and networked cultures. The transmediale Award seeks innovative, experimental and visionary works across a wide scope of form, process and practice that embrace, question and enrich our understanding and relationship to our immersed media and technologically driven society. Entries that exemplify new and critical forms of digital expression and interaction are encouraged, as are works from countries and regions in which digital art and culture are emergent. Submissions of art works for both festivals participate in the transmediale Award 2010 while theoretical abstracts, papers and research oriented positions are invited
for the Vilem Flusser Theory Award, with prizes totaling 10.000 EURO.

Transmediale presents and pursues the advancement of artistic positions reflecting on the socio-cultural, political and creative impact of new technologies, network practices and digital innovation. As a festival aiming to define the contours of contemporary digital culture, it seeks out artistic practices that not only respond to scientific or technical developments, but that shape the way in which we think about and experience the technologies which impact virtually all aspects of our daily lives. As such, transmediale understands media technologies as cultural and aesthetic techniques that need to be embraced in order to comprehend, critique, and shape global societies.

CTM (club transmediale)
is dedicated to contemporary electronic, digital and experimental music and sound creation, as well as the diverse range of artistic activities and social practises that develop within and connect to those audio cultures. Thus, the festival reflects on the agency of contemporary sound creation within the cultural fabric of society and its technological and social transformations. It explores the intersections of contemporary music and audio art with other artistic forms and cultural fields. A special emphasis is put on the creative use of new technologies, the interplay of sound with other media formats, the situational potential of live performances, the formation of social networks, and the advancement of a positive form of globalization.

Previous transmediale Award winners have included renowned artists such as Herman Asselberghs, Shilpa Gupta, Harwood/Wright/Yokokoji, Zhou Hongxiang, Istvan Kantor, Thomas Koener, Julia Meltzer/David Thorne, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Netochka Nezvanova, schoenerwissen,, Adrian Ward, Herwig Weiser and 242.pilots. The Vilem Flusser Theory Award, in collaboration with the _Vilem_Flusser_Archive of the University of Arts (UdK) Berlin, has been awarded to Simon Yuill (2008), Denis Rojo aka jaromil and Brian Holmes (2009).

Jury of the transmediale Award 2010 are Michelle Kasprzak (Edinburgh), Jose Luis de Vicente (Barcelona), Li Zhenhua (Beijing/Zurich), Yves Bernard (Brussels), Doreen Mende (Berlin).

Vilem Flusser Theory Award 2010 advisory committee members include Marcel Marburger (_Vilem_Flusser_Archive, Berlin), Oliver Grau (Danube University, Krems) and Sabeth Buchmann (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)

Transmediale Advisory Board
are Alex Adriaansens (Rotterdam), Dr. Marie Cathleen Haff (Berlin), Prof. Saskia Sassen (New York), Yukiko Shikata (Tokyo).

Transmediale is a project of the Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, in cooperation with the House of World Cultures and funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
CTM is a project by DISK / club transmediale GbR funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and DISK Initiative Bild & Ton e.V.

Deadline: 31 July 2009

Award Ceremony: 6 February 2010

Information on submission procedure on

festival for art and digital culture berlin
3 - 7 February 2010
Klosterstrasse 68 / D-10170 Berlin, Germany
tel +49 (0)30 24 749 761 / fax +49 (0)30 24 749 763,

CTM - club transmediale.10
festival for adventurous music and related visual arts
29 January - 6 February 2010
tel + 49 (0)30 44 04 18 52 / fax +49 (0)30 44 04 58 27,

(10.05.2009) ZDROJ: Transmediale

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