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Euromed Heritage Journalistic Award

Evropská komise ve spolupráci s několika dalšími organizacemi (např. UNESCO, IFJ) vyhlásila výzvu k získání mezinárodní novinářské ceny Euromed Heritage. Cílem této ceny je podporovat psaní o kulturním dědictví, a tím i informovanost široké veřejnosti. Dva nejúspěšnější účastníci obdrží finanční odměnu ve výši 3 000 eur plus cestovní výlohy a výlohy spojené s ubytováním – oba vítězové navštíví dvě místa zařazené pod program Euromed Heritage, o nichž napíší články, které musí být doručeny pořadatelům soutěže do 31. března 2006.

The Euromed Heritage Journalistic Award is an international press competition dealing with the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The competition, organized by the European Commission, via the Regional Management and Support Unit (RMSU) of the Euromed Heritage Programme, is open to journalists from EU and Mediterranean partners.

Media can play an important role in safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage. Press articles have the capacity to involve the public, modify laws and collect funds. The Euromed Heritage Journalistic Award can contribute to raising awareness on cultural heritage in the Mediterranean region by encouraging high quality reporting.

Purposes of the award are:

to stimulate European and Mediterranean journalists to write about cultural heritage in the Mediterranean region.
to promote awareness and knowledge about heritage among the public (EU and MEDA). It is important to convey the feeling that cooperation in the Mediterranean area is not only possible, but welcome and rewarded. Special attention will be given to examples of cooperation (North-South/South-North or South-South).
to reinforce a list of international journalists interested in cultural heritage topics. A data base of journalists interested in cultural topics (divided by country/media/field of expertise, to be posted on the Euromed Heritage website).

The prize will be awarded in the framework of the Second Euromed Heritage Conference.


Mailing address:

Regional Management and Support Unit
Euromed Heritage
ICCD Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione
via di San Michele, 18
00153 Roma - ITALY

Tel. +39 06 58332194

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