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Europol hledá umělce

Europol, agentura Evropské unie v oblasti prosazování práva se sídlem v Haagu vyhlásila mezinárodní soutěž pro umělce. Soutěž má pět kategorií: malba a kresba, grafické práce na paíře, 3D objekty a sochy, fotografie. Umělci mohou přihlásit hotová díla nebo návrhy, které budou realizovány po ukončení soutěže.  Vybráno bude 55 umělců, jejichž jména budou oznámena v prosinci 2010, ti dostanou ceny ve výši €450 and €1650. Umělecká díla pak musí být doručena do ústředí Europolu v březnu 2011. Termín uzávěrky je 26. listopadu 2010.

Europol on the look-out for artists

EU law enforcement agency launches
international art competition

The Hague, the Netherlands

Europol, the European Union’s law enforcement agency, launches a unique international art competition. With the new Europol headquarters due to be handed over to Europol in early 2011, the aim of the art competition is to acquire 55 pieces of art to enhance the design and atmosphere of the new building. The art pieces are to be displayed in conference and meeting rooms, and other semi-public areas.

Situated in the city of peace and justice of The Hague, Europol’s new headquarters, at Eisenhowerlaan 73, will sit alongside other international organisations such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the World Forum.

Artists residing in the EU Member States, who can display at least three years experience in creating art or are following art-oriented full-time study programmes of three years, are invited to participate and create art inspired by Europol’s work. Europol is a support centre for law enforcement operations, a hub for criminal information, and a centre for law enforcement expertise, providing a central platform for law enforcement experts from the European Union countries. Its work is characterized by effective communication, use of advanced technology, multicultural working environment and the need to protect the public by fighting crime and terrorism.

The art competition is divided into five categories: two categories for paintings and drawings; graphical work on paper; 3D objects and sculptures; and photographs.

Artists may choose to submit a completed piece of art or alternatively a preliminary design proposal for a piece of art to be created after closure of the competition.

The deadline for submission of entries is 26 November 2010 after which the pieces of art will be evaluated by a jury consisting of Europol’s Art Committee and two independent established artists, Andreas Horlitz and David Lindberg.

The 55 winning artists will be announced in December 2010 and prizes of between €450 and €1650 will be awarded. The art must be delivered to the new Europol headquarters in March 2011.

For more details on the competition, please click here to access the full tender document, and email if you have any further questions.

Phone: +31(0)70 302 50 00
Media: +31(0)70 302 50 01
Fax:      +31(0)70 302 58 96

(04.11.2010) ZDROJ: Europol
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