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Evropean Cultural Foundation: Cena za výzkum kulturní politiky 2005

Cena Evropské kulturní nadace, která je realizována ve spolupráci s Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation) je vyhlášena letos již podruhé: 10 000 Euro na výzkum akademiků, vědců a policy makerů do 35 let odbrží ten, jehož výzkum bude zaměřen na evropská kulturní témata a problémy, jejich analýzu a nová politická řešení. Uchazeči mohou zasílat své projekty mezi 10. únorem a 5. květnem 2005.

European Cultural Foundation together with Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation)


Cultural Policy Research Award 2005
For Applied Comparative Cultural Policy Research

The main aim of the Cultural Policy Research Award (CPR Award) is to stimulate academic research in the field of cultural policy, with an emphasis on the usefulness of the research in terms of practical application. The research should throw light on contemporary European cultural issues and problems, possibly analyzing them and working towards new policy solutions.

The CPR Award aims to contribute to the creation of a cultural policy ‘infrastructure’ – a network of scholars with competence in comparative research related to cultural policy. Additionally, the award seeks to evaluate existing research achievements, connect academic centres, and promote an interdisciplinary approach in the sphere of cultural policy research.

The overall area covered by the award is ‘applied comparative cultural policy research’. Preference will be given to proposed research which covers a topical issue affecting contemporary Europe and which considers the possible remodelling of cultural systems, cultural institutions and cultural policy education. The research project must provide new insights and suggest practical policy orientations and/or recommendations for decision makers and thinkers (new policy solutions, proposals of instruments and/or procedures). Research may focus on a variety of topics: legal, economic, social, managerial, ethical, technological and other relevant categories of issues (e.g. in the media & communication sphere) will receive equal attention in the selection process.

Priority will be given to evaluative, comparative and action-research projects which cover the European or macro-regional space. Research outcomes should contain relevant policy proposals for systemic and structural changes, or innovative, new ideas for re-thinking the position of arts and culture in the context of European enlargement and integration.

Young academics, researchers and policymakers (aged 35 or under) are eligible for the 10,000 Euro award. Applications should be submitted between 10 February and 5 May 2005 through the online application form on the CPR Award website.

The winner of the CPR Award 2005 will be announced at the European Foundation Centre’s 16th Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference ‘Foundations for Europe: Making the Union Work for All Citizens’, Budapest, Hungary, June 4th- 6th 2005.

For more detailed information visit the CPR Award website at
or contact Svetlana Jovicic, CPR Award manager at


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