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McCormick Tribune Foundation rozšiřuje sbírku umění

Chicago, USA
K oslavám 50. výročí založení nadace Roberta R. McCormicka se plánuje otevřít nové veřejné muzeum, a to na připomenutí odkazu zakladatele této nadace. McCormick byl dlouholetým editorem a vydavatelem The Chicago Tribune a sehrál hlavní roli v americké žurnalistice 1. poloviny 20. století, když z jedněch novin vybudoval jednu z hlavních mediálních organizací, která zahrnovala noviny, radio, TV a tiskárny. Muzeum, které má byt otevřeno na jaře 2006 v historickém mrakodrapu Tribune Tower v centru Chicaga bude věnováno Americké svobodě. V rámci otevřené mezinárodní soutěže bude vybráno dílo, které se stane centrálně umístěným v dvoupodlažní rotundě muzea. Termín pro podání návrhů je 25. února 2005.

The Chicago-based McCormick Tribune Foundation ( ) has extended the deadline for a major art competition to select an artwork for the recently established McCormick Museum Foundation.

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the foundation plans to build a public museum to honor the legacy of its founder, Robert R. McCormick. The museum will be dedicated to America's freedoms - the First Amendment rights in part- icular - and the civic responsibilities that accompany those freedoms. The museum, which opens in the spring of 2006, will be located within the historic Tribune Tower in the heart of Chicago.

The foundation will commission a defining work of art that will be selected through an open, international, two-stage design competition. The winning artwork will be unveiled and displayed at the McCormick Museum on Michigan Avenue. The piece will be the central exhibit and centerpiece of the museum and will be permanently located in the museum's two-story rotunda.

The artist commission for the final work of art is at least $100,000 (excluding fabrication costs). The second- prize winner will receive $25,000, while third place is $15,000.

For complete program information and entry procedures, see the McCormick Museum Foundation Web site.

The Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation (MTF) was originally established as a charitable trust upon the death, in 1955, of Colonel Robert R. McCormick, the longtime editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune. McCormick played a major role in American journalism in the first half of the 20th century and built the Tribune Company from a single newspaper into a major media organization of newspapers, radio and TV stations, and newsprint manufactories.

McCormick provided considerable latitude in determining how his bequest would be distributed, specifying only that his monies be used for "religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals." Since 1955, MTF's board of directors has periodically updated the foundation's giving guidelines to reflect a changing society, while following what they believe to be the wishes of the founder.

When Colonel McCormick established his charitable trust, he endowed it principally with Tribune Company stock, and those shares still compose the majority of the foundation's assets. While the amount of Tribune stock held by the foundation is significant, the foundation is structured as a separate nonprofit organization, independent from Tribune Company.

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