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Nadace Gausch Cornaty malířská cena 2012

Barcelona, Španělsko  Soukromá nadace Guasch Coranty Foundation nesoucí jméno umělce a uměleckého kritika Francesca Gausche a jeho ženy malířky a pedagožky Emílie Cornaty, kteří roku 1929 věnovali veškerou svou pozůstalost předchůdkyni barcelonské univerzity škole umění Sant Jordi,  vyhlašuje mezinárodní malířskou cenu pro rok  2012. Ta je určena všem profesionálním umělcům a umělkyním do čtyřiceti let s ukončeným vysokoškolským vzděláním. Cílem ceny je podporovat kreativitu v umění, jíž nadace chápe jako otevřenost k využití nových uměleckých médií a postupů. Výše první ceny je 25.000 €. Uzávěrka pro podání přihlášky je 25. listopadu 2011.
Guasch Coranty Foundation announces The International Painting Prize 2012, directed to all professional artists under 40 years old who have completed studies in Fine Arts colleges, faculties or equivalent in any country, without restrictions of nationality or residence, with the aim of promoting artistic creativity, understood as an activity open to new media and techniques.


First Prize worth 25.000 € which cannot be divided or declared void and two prizes worth 8.000 € each.


Participants must submit, in a first phase, the following documents:

a) Form attached to these rules, completed and signed.

b) A printed photographic image, approximately 18 x 24 cm, of the work presented with its technical details (title, year, technical details and sizes), a brief description and assembly instructions where appropriate. You can submit files in CD or DVD formats if needed. This work must have been completed in the last two years and must not have been awarded or selected in any previous competition and can not exceed its maximum 200cm in length.

c) Curriculum vitae stating personal data, center/faculty and country where the candidate studied Fine Arts including a photocopy of the title and the artist's professional career.

d) Kit form (not digital) with reproductions of works during the last four years.

Among the dossiers, the jury will select artists they consider most appropriate, evaluating the trajectory and quality of work in relation to the languages ​​of contemporary art.

The list of those selected will be published on the website and will be notified individually by e-mail.

Once notified the decision of the Jury, the selected artists will present at the indicated time, the original work and compete as contained in the dossier, receiving a grant of 500 €.

Sending, packaging, insurance and transportation of the work will be responsibility of the participants.

The selected works must be properly packaged and the packaging must be reusable.

Among these works, the Jury will award the prizes.

The awards will be announced on the website of the Foundation and awarded artists will receive an individual notification by e-mail.

The Foundation is committed to organize an exhibition of all selected works, delivering the awards at the opening ceremony.


- Delivery of the dossier and form: from 14th to 25th November 2011.
- Selection of portfolios by Jury: January 2011.
- Notification to selected candidates: February 2012
- Delivery of selected works: 8 to 19 March 2012.
- Notification of awards: April 2012.

Applications, documentation and selected works where appropriate, to be delivered to candidates by e-mail or in person at the headquarters of the Foundation.

Deadline: 25/11/11
Fundació Guasch Coranty
Pau Gargallo, 4 (2nd floor)
E-08028 Barcelona
tel: +34 934 034 066
(27.10.2011) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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