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Prix Europa Spot - My Europe

Berlin, Německo
Cena ve výši 6 000 Euro bude udělena mladému filmaři z EU země za 1 až 2 minutový spot, který bude přesahovat národní, kulturní a jazykovou hranice a zprostředkuje velmi osobní vizi Evropy jako místa možností a šancí, pramenů naděje, důvěry a dynamiky. Účastníci musí mít vzdělání (nebo být vzděláváni) v oblasti medií a věk do 30 let. Termín 15. srpna 2004.

Call to young film-makers in the EU to enter television spots 1 to 2 minutes in lenght. 6000 eur award.

We are looking for spots that transcend national, cultural and language borders and communicate a very personal vision of Europe - of Europe as a place of opportunity and change, as a source of hope, confidence and dynamism.

Participants entering spots should either be training in the media field or have recently completed such training. Age limit: 30 years.

The PRIX EUROPA SPOT will be awarded by a special jury. The award will consist of prize money amounting to ¤6,000, a certificate, the PRIX EUROPA Trophy and the German Foreign Office's intention to use the prize-winning spot to advertise and promote Europe. The donor and patron of this prize is the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prize money will be disbursed by the organiser to the prize-winning film-maker.


The PRIX EUROPA competition office in Berlin must have received by 15 August 2004:

  1. registration forms, duly completed - Online registration.
  2. 1 viewing copy of each registered production on VHS PAL, if possible with English subtitles
  3. 1 script/dialogue list of the English version, if available.
  4. 1 detailed résumé of the production in English, French or German, if there is no English version.

The Prix Europa is awarded to the best European television, radio and Internet productions with the aim of publicising them throughout Europe and supporting their distribution and use.

Prix Europa
RBB - Berlin
D - 14046 Berlin
tel: +49 (0)30 30 31 1610
fax: +49 (0)30 30 31 1619

(24.06.2004) ZDROJ: Artservis

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