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The Central European Journal of Aesthetics soutěž pro studenty/ky estetiky

The Central European Journal of Aesthetics vyhlašuje soutěž o nejlepší písemnou práci na jakékoli téma z historie či teorie estetiky. Práce může být odevzdána v českém (nebo slovenském, anglickém či německém) jazyce. Soutěž zároveň probíhá v Maďarsku, Polsku a na Slovensku.  Vítěz/ka soutěže obdrží dvouleté předplatné časopisu a 300 euro. Soutěže se mohou zúčastnit studenti a studentky zapsaní v akreditovaném bakalářském, magisterském i doktorském programu na území České republiky. Termín odevzdání práce je 15. září 2010.
Announcing a student essay competition
for Polish, Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian students of aesthetics, philosophy, the theory of art, art history, literary studies, visual studies, cultural studies, and related disciplines.

Deadline: 15 September 2010 (the deadline has been extended)

We are pleased to announce a student competition held by Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics. The contest is primarily aimed at graduate students and PhD candidates registered at Polish, Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian universities. Undergraduates are also eligible.

The essays, of approximately fifteen to thirty pages in length (c. 250 words per page), must focus on topics related to the theory or history of aesthetics and the philosophy of art, and comply with the standards of academic writing, including the citation rules followed by Estetika (see The essay must be entirely the work of the contestant, a single author, and must not have been previously published. Essays may be written in Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish, English, or German.

A competition committee composed of members of Estetika’s editorial boardwill select the best essay by 15 November 2010. The winning essay will be translated into English and published in Estetika, 2011, no. 2, and its author will receive a free two-year subscription to Estetika and €300 in cash.

Please address all correspondence to Tereza Hadravová
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