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UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005

Mladí umělci z celého světa se mohou zúčastnit soutěže o cenu UNESCO za digitální umění. Ve spolupráci s Uměleckým centrem Nabi v Seoulu v Jižní Korei bude udělena cena ve výši 10 000 USD dosud nezrealizovanému projektu. Termín pro přihlášení je 14. září 2005.

UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005 - Call for Participation

Deadline: 14. September 2005

Young artists from around the world are invited to take part in this year's award devoted to the theme of "Cities and creative media". Organized in collaboration with Art Center Nabi (Seoul, Republic of Korea), the Award would be delivered to non-realized project proposals in order to embrace a wider audience of creators, who have the innovative artistic ideas but not necessarily the means.

The call specifically aims at encouraging young emerging artists to cultivate new forms of expressions using new media and technology in reflecting on how urban spaces and city environments could be transformed into creative outlets.

The submission deadline is 14 September 2005.

All project proposals should be submitted online at the official website of submission (, where participants will also be able to find further detailed information (description of sub-themes, general guidelines, submission criteria, etc). All submissions should be in English.

The total prize money is US $10,000, which would be divided into and given to more than one laureate, in some cases a group of artists. An additional US $10,000 will be granted by the Art Center Nabi , as production costs, to the winner(s) of a Special Honorary Mention awarded for projects already realized that can be re-embodied within the urban context of city Seoul. The funds are also to cover the travel costs of the 1st winner of the UNESCO Award to the International Workshop in October organized by Nabi.

The award-winning projects would be selected by an international jury, assembled on this occasion representing the five geo-cultural regions (Africa, Arab States, Asia/Pacific, Europe/North America, and Latin America/Caribbean).

For more information, contact: or

UNESCO DigiArts portal:

(30.08.2005) ZDROJ: On the Move

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