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Future City Jobs
Konference EU
Creative Cities
Koncepce umění
Symposium Ostrava
Future City Game
Domů PodporaCeny, soutěže

Univerzita umění Berlín cena pro umění a vědu

Berlín, Německo Univerzita umění Berlín, Universität der Künste Berlin,  vypisuje soutěž s cílem podnítit spolupráci umělců a/nebo vědců. Práce se má týkat  témat, která leží mezi vědou a  uměním. Cena bude udělována každé dva roky a je spojena s odměnou 7,500 Euro.  Mohou se o ní dělit maximálně 3 umělci (umělkyně)/ vědci nebo vědecká či umělecká skupina. Organizátoři předpokládají účast takových projektů, které doposud v jiné soutěži žádnou cenu neobdržely. Předkládané projekty je možno podávat jak v angličtině tak v němčině.  Uzávěrka pro podávání projektů je 1. března 2012. 

Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)
UdK Prize for Interdisciplinary Art and Science

Call for submissions

This competition aims to give artists (fine art, media, architecture, design, music, theatre, visual communication etc.) and/or scientists the impetus and opportunity to work on content in the field of tension between the arts or between the arts and sciences.

The prize will be awarded on a biennial basis and is endowed with 7,500 Euros. It can be divided among a max. of 3 artists/scientists or groups.

Artistic, scientific and technical means may be employed in the realisation of entries. Individual works and projects or project concepts are eligible for entry.

The UdK pledges to produce a publication of the prize-winning work(s) subsequent to the prize giving ceremony.

Conditions of entry

The organizers expect innovative work that has not yet received a prize or award in any other competition to date.

Entries must be submitted together with a paper of motivation (see page 4), typewritten, max. 1 A4 page, in which the concept and the innovative, multidisciplinary aspects of the work are elucidated. The paper of motivation must be written by the entrant him- or herself personally.

Entries should also be accompanied by a biography (max. 2 pages) with evidence of professional, artistic or scientific/academic work (exhibitions, awards, performances, cooperations, teaching experience, readings, prizes, publications, grants, competitions, conferences).

In the event of winning, participants give their consent to the publication of their identity and the prize-winning work for press purposes and in a book publication by the UdK Berlin.

The prize-winner(s) are obliged to attend the award ceremony during the UdK Berlin’s Open Days (“Rundgang”) on Friday, 13th July 2012. The prize-winner’s travel costs will be refunded up to a sum of 1,000 Euros.

Entries may be submitted in either German or English.

Eligibility for participation

Individuals and groups are eligible to participate.

The following are excluded:
- full-time employees of the UdK Berlin
- the members of the jury and their representatives
- students

Obligatory conditions for submission of entries

a) Only one work may be submitted by each participant/group.

b) The original work should not be submitted; please send a reproduction that adequately documents the work. (Submissions cannot be returned to the authors).

c) The submission of long scientific or literary works should be accompanied by a short version (abstract) of no more than 3 pages.

d) Photographs and illustrations of artworks (excepting media art, see also point g) are not acceptable on CD-Rom or DVD, but should be submitted as a photo, slide or paper print (max. A 3).

e) The entry form, professional biography and description of the work should be submitted in paper form, separate from the work (but in the same item of postage, please).

Submission of media (CD-Rom, audio CD, VHS, DVD)

f) Only one media form may be selected for the documentation of the work (e.g. please do not submit the same work as DVD and CD-Rom etc.).

g) Only films or purely media artworks may be submitted on DVD, VHS or CD-Rom; that is, no photographs and reproductions of artworks.
Please state in your submission which computer programme is required to open the competition entry. Only common programmes, easily available on the market should be used. USB sticks and mini-discs are not admissible.

h) The media must be marked with the length of play and the title of the competition entry. The data storage medium may contain only the entry to the competition. This must be clearly identified and should be easy to distinguish from operating and system files.

i) Video cassettes can only be submitted in VHS format (only PAL, not S-VHS).

j) Submissions per e-mail or fax will not be taken into consideration.

Deadline: 01/03/12 - postmark
Universität der Künste Berlin
Postfach 12 05 44
10595  Berlin
fax: +49 (0) 30 3185 2821

(13.02.2012) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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