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MEDIA desk: Podpora přístupu na trh

Výzva Media programu je určena pro žádosti o jednoroční granty. Mezi specifické cíle této výzvy mimo jiné patří podpora oběhu a propagace evropských audiovizuálních děl se zvláštním zřetelem k zajištění přístupu evropského audiovizuálního sektoru na evropské a mezinárodní trhy. Media program vyhlásí v rámci oblasti podpory přístupu na trh také další výzvu, v níž bude možno žádat o tříletý grant. Oblast podpory přístupu na trh není určena jednotlivé akci/akcím k podpoře vlastních produktů jedné firmy. Uzávěrka pro jednoroční granty je 9. prosince 2011 pro aktivity začínající mezi 1. června 2012 a 31. 12. 2012 1. 6. 2012 je pro celoroční aktivity probíhající v roce 2013 a aktivity začínající mezi 1. 1. 2013 a 31. 5. 2013.

2.2.    Specific objectives of the Promotion/Access to Markets Support Scheme
The specific objectives of the Promotion/Access to Markets Calls for Proposals are:

•    To globally improve the circulation and promotion of European audiovisual works, in particular by ensuring that the
European audiovisual sector has access to European and international professional markets;

•    To encourage common actions between national film and audiovisual programme promotion organisations;

•    To encourage the building-up of an economic partnership between countries and professionals inside and outside the MEDIA programme and facilitate better mutual knowledge and understanding.

For the implementation of these objectives, particular attention will be paid to the specific needs of countries with a low audiovisual production capacity, as well as to the development of an independent European production and distribution sector, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises.

2.3.    Priorities of the Promotion/Access to Markets Calls for Proposals

The Promotion/Access to Markets Calls for Proposals are aimed at supporting actions and their activities taking place in and outside the MEDIA countries as defined herein.

Priority will be given to actions, which shall maintain and develop the geographical diversity of the European programmes presented and of the European professionals participating, in particular of those coming from countries with a low A/V production capacity and from the 12 new EU Member states.

In order to be supported, actions shall demonstrate the synergy effects with already existing actions, as well as their added value and viability, especially in case of new and/or first editions.

The operational objectives of the MEDIA Promotion/Access to Markets Support scheme are to improve the conditions of access for professionals to trade events and to professional audiovisual markets inside and/or outside Europe, to encourage and support the constitution of European catalogues and the setting up of databases of European programme catalogues intended for professionals, to encourage support for promotion from the pre-production or production phase and to encourage networking and coordination of European common actions.

The Proposals can be submitted either by an individual European operator or by a European network of national public or private operators specialised in promotion activities.

Please note that this scheme is not intended to cater for the individual action(s) of a single company in support of their own products.

Further information at  3611 permanent guidlines




(31.10.2011) ZDROJ: MEDIA desk
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