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Visegradský fond nabízí až 25 000 Euro kulturním projektům k oslavám založení Visegrádu

V rámci oslav dvacátého výročí vzniku Visegrádské skupiny vyhlašuje Mezinárodní visegrádský fond výzvu pro podávání žádostí o poskytnutí podpory pro kulturní projekty. Oslavy se budou konat v Bruselu v únoru 2011. Projekty mohou být předkládány ve dvou tématických oblastech Quo Vadis, Visegrad? a Accompanying Cultural Events. Maximální výše podpory jednoho projektu je 25 000 Euro. Uzávěrka přijímání žádostí je 16. září 2010.

The International Visegrad Fund (IVF) hereby announces the following

call for proposals for projects marking


Submitted proposals shall focus on either or both of the following events:
1. “Quo vadis, Visegrad?” Panel Discussion in Brussels 15 February 2011  Moderated panel discussion dealing with the past, present and future of the Visegrad Group (key speakers must represent all four V4 countries)
2.  Accompanying Cultural Events
A number of concrete cultural events that would accompany the panel discussion and mark the “Visegrad Day in Brussels” in any form of performing and visual arts—i.e. concerts, performances, exhibitions (new as well as existing joint V4 projects are eligible) The events are to take place in Brussels in February 2011. Selected organizers will need to closely cooperate with the four respective foreign ministries (MFAs) and the IVF. Venues and dates and times for each event are to be negotiated. The maximum funding from the IVF is up to EUR 25,000 per project.

Each application must contain the following:
· written project proposal indicating personal details of the event—i.e. the names of the speakers, performers and the given art works
· planned budget with item break-downs (costs per person, per day, types of costs)
· original letters of intent from project partners
· brief background information on the applicants experience in the field
Every event must be coordinated by organizations from all four Visegrad Group countries. Applicants are strongly advised to contact the IVF prior to applying.
Deadline for applications: 16 September 2010

Contact information: Linda Kapustová Helbichová, Deputy Executive Director
Tel.: +421 259 203 811, –802

(18.08.2010) ZDROJ: International Visegrad Fund
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