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Documentary Fund Sundance Institutu přijímá žádosti o grant

Cílem Documentary Fund Sundance Insitutu je podporovat americké a mezinárodní dokumentární filmy, které se zabývají problematikou lidských práv, svobody projevu, občanských svobod a zkoumáním klíčových témat současnosti. Granty jsou udělovány ve dvou kategoriích: "Development grant do 20.000 USD" podporují filmaře ve fázi přípravných prací na film. Druhou kategorií jsou tzv. "Production and Post-Production grants". Uzávěrka pro předkládání žádostí o grant je 9. února 2009.
Sundance Institute Accepting Entries for Documentary Fund

Deadline: February 9, 2009

Proposals are evaluated on artful storytelling, stylistic inno- vation, subject relevance, and potential for social engagement.

Initial proposals are considered in two categories:

1) Development grants provide seed funds to filmmakers whose projects are in the early research or pre-production stage. Grant awards will range up to $20,000, and a previous directing sample is required. (If no directing sample is available, a creative visual work indicating the director's artistic point of view and storytelling ability is required.)

2) Production and Post-Production grants provide funds to film- makers in various stages of the production and post-production stages. Applications should include at least twenty minutes of continuously edited material. Longer cuts and fine cuts can be submitted if available.

There are two deadlines each year. February 9, 2009, is the next deadline for both Development as well as Production/Post- production proposals. U.S. and international filmmakers may submit anytime before the deadline.

Visit the Sundance Institute Web site for complete program information.

More information:
(30.10.2008) ZDROJ: Sundance Film Festival

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