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EAJC granty pro vizuální umění a performing arts

Paříž, Francie Evropská asociace pro židovskou kulturu podporuje práci, která se zabývá reflexí židovské zkušenosti a podněcuje rozmanitost názorů a forem uměleckého vyjadřování. Asociace vyhlašuje grantový program na podporu vizuálních umění, konkrétně výstavních projektů z oblasti fotografie, malby, sochy a electronického umění. Ty mohou obdržet až 5000 Euro. Tohoto programu se mohou zúčastnit umělci s minimálně 2 letou praxí nikoli studenti. V programu věnovaného performing arts je možné získat maximálně 10.000 Euro na podporu tvorby nové divadlení hry, originální divadelní adaptace literárního díla či nového choreografického nastudování. Dalším tématem v rámci programu performing arts je podpora skladeb nové hudby.  Zde je možné získat podporu v maximální částce 5000 Euro. Uzávěrka pro předložení žádostí do obou programů je 1. října 2009.

European Association for Jewish Culture
Grants Visual Arts and Performing Arts
Call for applications
The aims of the European Association for Jewish Culture are to: support work and activities which address or reflect contemporary Jewish experience encourage a diversity of voices and forms of cultural expression create synergies between artists, presenters, sponsors and audiences foster a better understanding and appreciation of Jewish culture among Jews across Europe project the richness and vibrancy of Jewish cultural heritage to the wider society encourage the interaction between Jewish artists and culture in Europe, and elsewhere promote a symbiotic relationship between Jewish cultures in the Diaspora and in Israel promote the mobility of exhibitions, performances and artists in Europe help realize the potential of new media and technology to extend the range of artistic expression and facilitate greater access to Jewish culture

Schedule of Grants Offered in 2009 for projects to be carried out in 2010

Visual Arts
Exhibitions of photography, painting, sculpture and electronic art

This grant programme is designed to provide part-funding for new exhibitions of contemporary art, which address the Jewish experience by awarding grants to

a. Professional artists to produce new work for exhibition in a recognized cultural venue.

b. Free-lance curators for researching and organizing an exhibition of contemporary art, which addresses the Jewish experience.

The application should be submitted by professional artists or curators in association with an exhibition venue based in one of the European countries listed under II below. The applicants must submit a letter from the exhibition venue endorsing the plans for the exhibition project.

Applicants must have specialized training in the arts; at least 2 years' arts practice and must have exhibited their work at least once previously. Students are not eligible.

Grants up to 5,000 Euros will be awarded to successful candidates in two instalments: the first will be made to the individual artist, or curator, in January 2010; the second on completion of the project i.e. on the opening of the exhibition. The project should be exhibited within 12 months of the receipt of the first instalment of the grant.

Performing Arts

- Commissions of new works for the stage

This grant is designed to provide part-funding for the writing of new plays, original adaptations for the stage of other literary works, or new works of choreography dealing with the Jewish experience.

The application must be made by an individual writer or choreographer in association with a theatre company based in one of the European countries listed under II. The applicants must submit an undertaking from an established theatre company (which has been active for at least two years) to perform the work, or to stage it in a workshop production or a reading.

Grants up to 10,000 Euros will be awarded to successful candidates in two equal installments: the first will be made directly to the writer/choreographer in January 2009; the second to the theatre company on staging the new work.

- New music compositions

This grant is designed to provide part-funding for the composition, linked to a performance and/or recording of new works by contemporary composers inspired by the Jewish experience or traditions.

The application must be made by an individual composer in association with an orchestra, chamber music group, musical theatre, concert promoter and/or an established recording company based in one of the European countries listed under II. The applicants must submit an undertaking from the associated body to perform the new work or produce a CD recording and ensure its distribution.

Grants of up to 5,000 Euros will be awarded to successful candidates in two equal instalments: the first will be made directly to the composer in January 2010; the second to the orchestra, chamber music group, musical theatre, concert promoter and/or an established recording company on completion of the project.
Deadline: October 1st, 2009
Lena Stanley-Clamp
European Association for Jewish Culture
London Office
4th Floor

Market Place
London W1W 8AG
Great Britain
tel +44(0)20 7436 1553
fax +44(0)20 7436 7262

(02.09.2009) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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