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Erste Foundation -podpora přednášek na VŠ - historie umění od 60. let po současnost

Erste Foundation otevírá výzvu k předkládání projektů v rámci svého mezinárodního programu Patterns zaměřeného na výzkum nedávné historie umění střední a východní Evropy, ale také na bádání v oblasti kulturních studií a společenských věd. Nadace má zejména zájem podpořit kurzy, které doposud nebyly realizovány. Podpora směřuje ke grantům na rozjezd nových přednáškových kurzů na veřejných VŠ ve střední a východní Evropě s akcentem na vizuální umění a kulturu od 60. let po současnost. Jeden kurz může obdržet grant ve výši cca 115.000,- Kč (4434 Euro). Tato podpora zahrnuje také přípravné cesty do zahraničí a nákup literatury. Dále je možné žádat peníze i na hostující přednášející v kurzu. Uzávěrka pro předkládání projektů je 7. března 2010.

Call for Submissions – Patterns Lectures
Implemented by

PATTERNS is a transnational programme of the culture programme of ERSTE Foundation.The aim of PATTERNS is to research and understand recent cultural history in Central and South Eastern Europe. PATTERNS initiates, commissions and supports contemporary culture projects and academic activities in a variety of formats and media. The programme focuses on the visual arts and culture of the 1960s until today.

The call is launched to encourage the development of new university courses in the fields of art history, cultural studies and cultural sciences. The call addresses lecturers at public universities in Central and South Eastern Europe that share PATTERNS' areas of interest and who are interested in developing new courses that tackle the topics of PATTERNS. We support course development, study visits, literature purchase, as well as guest lectures.

PATTERNS aims to document, analyse and investigate different aspects of and practices related to the transformation of daily life and culture in Central and South Eastern Europe, while accounting for the pluralities that describe the region. PATTERNS seeks to promote understanding and knowledge of a differently lived past, which can facilitate a shared present and future. In doing so, it takes on the role of a “contemporary witness”. The initiative focuses on the 1960s and 1970s, as well as on the “transition” period leading up to the present. The period commonly known as the "transition" is, without question, an important historical turning point, not only in the sense of reshaping and redefining what art and culture could mean in a post-totalitarian society: At historical and geographical fault lines, stories and historical documents emerge.

We are particularly interested in courses which:
• are newly developed and were not held before
• analytically deal with the time period starting from the 1960s up to the present, but also with the year of transition in 1989
• deal with cultural phenomena before 1989 until today, including aspects of popular, marginal and counter culture.

Call for Submissions – Patterns Lectures

The call addresses lecturers at public universities in Central and South Eastern Europe that offer study programmes in the fields of art history, cultural studies and cultural sciences and related fields. We support lecturers at public universities who are interested in developing new courses that tackle the topics of PATTERNS. Course proposals by external lecturers must be embedded in the framework of a public higher education institution.

Courses should be held in the academic year 2010/2011.

We offer funding exclusively to public universities. Course proposals by external lecturers must be embedded in the framework of a public higher education institution. Grants are not made to individuals or political parties.

7th March, 2010.

All application documents have to be sent by e-mail to by the deadline.
For further information please refer to the Guide for Applicants; the Application Form and the Guide can be downloaded from

If you have further questions please contact us by email



(03.02.2010) ZDROJ: ProCulture
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