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Nadace Schoeppingen vyhlašuje umělecké rezidence

Schoeppingen, Německo  Ústředním tématem Nadace Küenstlerdorf Schoeppingen je podporovat spisovatele/ky, vizuální umělce/umělkyně, umělce/umělkyně v oblasti nových médií, a interdisciplinárních projektů, ale také  skladatele a skladatelky. Součástí rezidenčního pobytu v umělecké vesnici Küenstlerdorf Schoeppingen, nedaleko Münsteru,  je ubytování a měsíční stipendium, které mohou celkově trvat čtyři měsíce. Na rezidenčním pobytu je vždy dohromady 14 umělců/umělkyň pracujících v různých disciplínách, což vytváří intenzivní tvůrčí prostředí. Uzávěrka pro předkládání přihlášek je 15. září 2011.

Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen Foundation
Artist in residence stipends
for writers, visual artists, artists in the field of new media, interdisciplinary projects and composers

Guiding principle of Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen Foundation is to support writers, visual artists, artists in the field of new media and and interdisciplinary projects as well as composers by the way of artist in residence stays in the Foundation Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen (NRW, Germany) accomodation.

These stays go along with monthly stipends and can last as long as four months in total. The fellows can work highly focused during this period of time in the Foundation Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen (NRW, Germany) studios, apartments and flats on their respective art, book or score projects. With in total 14 fellows being on site at the same time and coming from different sectors of work a comprehensive and inspired exchange of ideas takes place. Application for the artist in residence stays is internationally open. There is no limit of age existent.

Last date for applications is the 15th of the month of September of the current year to compete for the artist in residence stays of the year to follow.

Recently a line of new artist in residence scholarships (KWW) dealing with projects in the intersection of art, science and economy was started. The date to apply for these KWW-stipends is advertised separately.

Grants for visual arts, new media art, interdisciplinary projects, literature and composition will be awarded each year. Different juries of experts decide on the incoming applications. Deadline for applications is 15th of September of the current year.

The monthly stipend amounts to 1025,- Euros. An amount for the operating expenses of the apartments or studios of about 100,- to 200,- Euros has to be payed of this. There is an obligation to spend the artist in residence stay on place.

The artists village offers an open platform for collaboration between artists. There is a vivid care for both national and international networks and relations. Foundation Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen sees itself as both a refuge for the fellows to spend quality time on their work and valuable exchange with others and as an artistic and project laboratory that is always setting and tracking new and hitherto unseen ideas and projects.

The studios and apartments of the artist village Schöppingen are in two completely renovated farmhouses dating from the early 19th century. A total of eight apartments for authors and new media artists and six studios for visual artists is available. There are a gallery space and a wood/metall workshop disponible.
Deadline: September 15th 2011

Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
Feuerstiege 6
D-48620 Schöppingen
tel: +49 2555 93810
fax: +49 2555 938120

(11.08.2011) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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