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Sundance Institute: podpora filmů na téma vědy a technologie

Park City, Utah  Sundance Institute a Sloan Foundation vyhlašují výběrové řízení na podporu vývoje filmových scénářů s tématem vědy a technologie. V rámci tohoto programu není možné podpořit science fiction, s tím, že příběhy odehrávající se v budoucnosti či předjímající doposud neprokázané vědecké výsledky jsou považovány za science fiction. Maximální výše grantu pro scénáře v počáteční fázi vývoje je 20 000 USD dále 5000 USD stipendium pro vědeckého poradce. Grant zahrnuje  podporu týmu kreativních poradců Sundance Institute a možnost využít  souvisejícího fellowshipu v Sundance Screenwriters Lab.  Uzávěrka pro předložení grantů je 9. září 2011.
Sundance/Sloan Commissioning Grant and Fellowship Program Offers Support for Science and Technology Film Projects

To support the development of screenplays with science or technology themes, the Sundance Institute and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation annually provide opportunities for both emerging and established filmmakers through a commissioning grant and fellowship.

The program is designed to further the development of film projects focused on stories grounded in current (or past) science and technology. The program does not support science fiction projects. (Stories taking place in the future or involving science that is clearly not yet achievable would be considered science fiction.)

The Alfred P. Sloan Commissioning Grant is an annual cash award for a science- or technology-related narrative project that is at an early stage, such as full treatment or early screenplay draft. The grant includes the following: a cash grant of up to $20,000 to provide support during the writing period; a stipend of up to $5,000 for a science advisor; creative support during the writing process from a select group of creative advisors; the possibility of a fellowship to a Sundance Screenwriters Lab; and strategic and practical support from the Sundance Feature Film Program staff.

The Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship is awarded annually to an emerging screenwriter to support the ongoing development of a narrative, feature-length screenplay with science or technology themes. The fellowship includes the following: attendance at a Sundance Screenwriters Lab, Directors Lab, Creative Producing Lab, Creative Producing Summit, or the Sundance Film Festival as a fellow; a stipend of up to $5,000 for a science advisor; and creative and strategic support from the Sundance Feature Film Program staff.

The commissioning grant focuses on projects in earlier stages of development- from full treatment form to early screenplay drafts. Scripts in a later stage of development will be considered for the screenwriters lab fellowship. There is no separate submission required; all projects submitted through the application process are evaluated for either the grant or fellowship.
(18.07.2011) ZDROJ: Sundance Institute

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