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Podpora spolupráce kulturních organizací z EU a Turecka

Nová iniciativa pro rozvoj kulturních vztahů mezi zeměmi EU a Tureckem vznikla za přispění Nadace Mercator (Essen), Evropské kulturní Nadace, MitOst (Berlin) a Anadolu Kültür (Istanbul). Cílem iniciativy je dlouhodobá spolupráce mezi organizacemi a kulturními manažery zemí Evropské unie a Turecka.  Projekt dává příležitost  15 evropským kulturním organizacím vytvořit koprodukci společně s tureckým partnerem zejména z oblasti měst turecké Anatolie. Do projektu se mohou přihlásit kulturní manažeři a manažerky se zkušeností z projektů mezinárodní spolupráce a dobrou znalostí alespoň jednoho ze tří relevatních jazyků, tedy němčiny, angličtiny či jazyka tureckého. Uzávěrka pro příjem žádostí je 31. května 2011.
Tandem – A Cultural Managers Exchange Programme - Turkey-European Union - is a new initiative by Stiftung Mercator (Essen) and the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam) together with MitOst (Berlin), Anadolu Kültür (Istanbul) and Istanbul Bilgi University (Istanbul). It offers the chance for 15 cultural organisations based in Germany and other EU countries to create a co-production together with Turkish partner organisations specifically from Anatolian cities.

The purpose of this project is to build long-term collaborations between cultural organisations and cultural managers from Turkey and EU countries, particularly from Germany, and to promote the project as an example of new exemplary collaboration. The project is for cultural managers with a record of international co-operation and a good command of at least one of the following languages: English, German or Turkish.

The programme is designed for strengthening the managerial and specialist skills of both European and Turkish cultural managers who act as cultural mediators and to contribute international cooperation. Hence the basic activities within the programme are as follows:

- Partner meeting in Istanbul (September 2011)
- Mutual 10-day working visits of the tandem partners in Germany or other EU countries (12-26 November 2011) and Turkey (Spring 2012), with training sessions and consultation
- Specialists support for the development of specific arts projects/co-productions
- Funding of co-productions up to an amount of EUR 5,000
- Showcasing the co-productions in Turkey in September 2012 and Berlin in December 2012.

Please send your application until 31 May 2011 to MitOst e.V by e-amil.
Deadline: May 31st, 2011
MitOst e.V.
Henrieke Moll
Alt-Moabit 90
10559 Berlin
tel: +49 (0)30 31517488
fax: +49 (0)30 31517471
(14.04.2011) ZDROJ:
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