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Akademie Schloss Solitude - rezidenční program 2005-2007

Stuttgart, Německo
Umělci z různých disciplín - architektura, výtvarné umění, performing umění, design, literatura, hudba, video, film, nová media jsou zváni k pobytu v rámci mezinárodního rezidenčního programu na zámku Solitude ve Stuttgartu v Německu. Celkem na 60 stipendií je k dispozici umělcům do 35 let, kteří své vzdělání ukončili před 5 lety, přihlášky jsou přijímány do 31. října 2004.



For the tenth time in 14 years the international residency program Akademie Schloss Solitude - located in Stuttgart, Germany is inviting artists to live and work at Solitude.

  • International artists are invited to apply from the following disciplines:
  • Architecture (architecture design, urban studies, landscape design),
  • Visual arts (including performance art and curatorial practice),
  • Performing arts (stage design, directing, dramaturgy, playwriting, dance, acting, musical theater, performance),
  • Design (visual communication, fashion, costume, product or furniture design),
  • Literature (theory/criticism, essay, poetry, fiction, translation),
  • Music/sound (sound installation, sound and music composition, sound and music performance) and
  • Video/film/new media (including video installation).

Following jurors will be in charge of this selection:

Chairman: Fabrizio Gallanti, Santiago de Chile
Architecture: Stan Allen, Princeton (USA)
Fine Arts: Rirkrit Tiravanija, New York (USA)
Design: Fiona Raby, London (UK)
Literature: Ivan Vladislavic, Johannesburg (South Africa)
Music/Sound: Kevin Volans, Dublin (Ireland)
Theatre: Biljana Srbljianovic, Belgrad (Serbia)
Video/Film/New Media: Harun Farocki, Berlin (Germany)

A total of approximately 60 residency fellowships are available for emerging artists up to 35 or artists who have completed a university or college degree within the past five years. Currently enrolled university or college students (at the time of application) will not be considered for selection. Each fellowship recipient is granted Euro 1000 per month, in addition to free lodging.

Application deadline is October 31, 2004 (Postmark).

The jurors will make their decisions in January 2005. Future fellowship holders will be informed in February/March 2005. In May 2005 future fellows will be presented on a press conference. First possible move-in date for fellowship holders is in fall 2005. Possible period for the six or twelve months stay in Solitude is fall 2005 to summer 2007.

For application forms, please send a postcard or letter to Akademie Schloss Solitude (please see address below) or email to, or download them from the Internet at The application forms are ONLY available between July 1 and October 31, 2004.

Applications from North America, Western Europe and Japan: To cover handling and mailing costs, please send international answering coupons (available at post offices) in the amount of 15 Euros. We do not accept checks.
Applications from Germany: Please transfer 15 Euros to our account 100 3714 100 at the Baden-W=FCrttembergische Bank, BLZ
600 200 30.

Sara Eskilsson
Press and public information
June 2004
Tel. +49 (0) 711-99619-472

Akademie Schloss Solitude
Solitude 3, 70197 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel: +49-711-99619-0, Fax: +49-711-99619-50


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