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Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships - 2005 Fellowship

Washington, USA
Přibližně 10 novinářů může získat možnost pracovat po 5 měsíců v amerických novinách, a naučit se praxi a standardům americké žurnalistiky, tak aby je mohli posléze užívat ve svých zemích. Program je otevřen i pro novináře ze zemí střední Evropy včetně České republiky. Termín přihlášek 1. září 2004.

The Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF) is pleased to announce the 2005 AFPF Fellowship competition. For twenty years AFPF has provided print journalists from developing countries with professional training opportunities in some of the best American newsrooms. This year, approximately ten Fellows will be selected to spend five months reporting for an American newspaper. Unique among the many training programs available to journalists, AFPF is the only one to offer a non-academic, long-term, hands-on experience in a single newsroom. It is hoped that through such hands-on training, Fellows will learn practices, standards, and values of U.S. journalism which they can adapt and apply in their home countries.

In 2003, AFPF and the Daniel Pearl Foundation established a special fellowship to honor the life and work of journalist Daniel Pearl - the Wall Street Journal South Asia bureau chief who was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan in 2002. In 2005, applicants from South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa will be considered for the Daniel Pearl Fellowships. While Daniel Pearl Fellows are Friendly Fellows and participate in all fellowship activities, they may receive additional opportunities that support the goals of the Daniel Pearl Foundation - to encourage dialogue among people of different cultures, reduce cultural and religious hatred, and create a platform for responsible and creative journalism.

All fellowships, including the Daniel Pearl Fellowships, are awarded to young print journalists from developing countries with an emerging free press. All Fellows are selected for the program based on their commitment to careers in journalism, English language skills, and journalistic ability. A typical Fellow is between the ages of 25 and 35, has six years of print journalism experience, and has spent little or no time in the United States. Due to the requirements of reporting in the U.S., preference is given to applicants who are proficient in using computers and driving automobiles.

Visit the website for more in-depth information about the fellowship program and a downloadable application:

If you would like an application sent to you via postal mail, please contact AFPF before August 1st.

Please note that the application deadline is September 1, 2004 for the program that begins in March, 2005.

Susan M. Albrecht
Executive Director
Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships
1616 H Street, NW
Third Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-737-4414
Fax: 202-737-4416

(14.07.2004) ZDROJ:
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