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Anti-Advertising Agency hledá umělce pro spolupráci

San Francisco, USA
Anti reklamní agentura ze San Franciska, kterou řídí umělci, hledá návrhy dalších umělců pro společné projekty, jejichž cílem je zkoumání venkovní reklamy a používání veřejného prostoru. Vybraní umělci získají stipendium. Termín k podání projektů je 15. prosince 2004.

Anti-Advertising Agency Call For Proposals


The Anti-Advertising Agency is an artist run organization creating collaborative works which critically examine outdoor advertising and the use of public space.

We are currently looking for proposals from artists able to work in the SF Bay Area in 2005.

Selected artists will:

  • recieve up to $1000 stipend
  • recieve up to $950 supply budget
  • be able to work collaboratively with the Agency.

Please visit the site and download a detailed call for entries for more information. The deadline for submissions is December 15th.

Our Mission
Outdoor advertising has become unavoidable. Traditional billboards and transit shelters have cleared the way for more pervasive methods such as wrapped vehicles, sides of buildings, electronic signs, kiosks, taxis, posters, sides of buses, and more. In urban areas commercial content is placed in our sight and into our consciousness every moment we are in public space. Over time, this domination of the surroundings has become the"natural" state. Through long-term commercial saturation, it has become implicitly understood by the public that advertising has the right to own, occupy and control every inch of available space. The steady normalization of invasive advertising dulls the public's perception of their surroundings, re-enforcing a general attitude of powerlessness toward creativity and change, thus a cycle develops enabling advertisers to slowly and consistently increase the saturation of advertising with little or no public outcry.

The Anti-Advertising Agency co-opts the tools and structures used by the advertising and public relations industries. Our work calls into question the purpose and affects of advertising in public space. Through constructive parody and gentle humor our Agency's campaigns will ask passers by to critically consider the role and strategies of today's marketing media as well as alternatives for the public arena. Our work will de-normalize"out-of-home" advertising and increase awareness of the public's power to contribute to a more democratically-based outdoor environment.

Our work may result in traditional advertising formats - signs, posters, postcards, and stickers - or more conventional artistic formats - performance, installation, artists books - or some combination of the two.

(27.10.2004) ZDROJ: The Calls and Opps List
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