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Arcus Studio - rezidenční pobyt

Moriya, Japan
Arcus Studio zve kvalifikované mladé umělce, kteří pracují v oblasti experimentálních a progresívních výrazových stylů a jsou schopni vybavit společnost novou a osvěžující vnímavostí současných témat. Ateliér bude pro umělce k dispozici maximálně 5 měsíců v období 1. srpna - 22. prosince 2006. Termín zaslání přihlášek je 1. dubna 2006.

Arcus Studio

Artist-in-Residence Program
The ARCUS Project Administration Committee would like to invite qualified young artists who work in experimental and progressive modes of expression, and could provide the community with new and invigorating perception on contemporary issues.

The ARCUS Project is an artist-in-residence program organized by the Ibaraki Prefectural Government that was launched in 1995 with a focus on nurturing young and mid-career visual artists and on fostering grounds for international exchange in the arts as well as in the local community. To date, 57 artists from 21 countries/regions have been invited to participate and engage in activities of their creative work, research, and cultural exchange programs.

The program has so far aimed to serve two purposes. The first is to provide opportunities to young and mid-career visual artists to develop their artistic concepts and skills in a community setting and facilitate them with an environment for cultural exchange at professional level and community level. The second is to provide the local residents an opportunity to appreciate art in their local community and to nurture grounds for multicultural experiences through programs such as workshops and seminars.

In its second decade, ARCUS aims to become a laboratory and archive for creative and innovative ideas. Hence, we will focus on artists who work with experimental and progressive modes of expression to take residency so as to provide the community with fresh and invigorating perception on contemporary issues.

Period of Residency:
August 1, 2006 through December 22, 2006

The studio will be available to artists for the maximum 5 months period. Artists are expected to be in residence for Open Studio (scheduled around mid-November to mid-December). The ARCUS Project Administration Committee will determine the final dates of residency.

The residence program takes place in Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Moriya City is located at the southern edge of Ibaraki Prefecture, and about 40km from Tokyo. Access from the local train station to central Tokyo is approximately 35 minutes by express train. It is a bed town with a population of approximately 50 thousand people. The campuses of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and University of Tsukuba, which are national institutions with excellent education in the arts, are located in the neighboring cities.

The artists are provided with a studio in a converted elementary school building, which is now used as a community center named "Moriya Manabi no Sato." The building is shared with the local residents who use the facilities for cultural, athletic, and community activities.

The Applicant should:
be an artist engaged in contemporary visual arts activities
have legal permission to enter Japan
be in a state of good health and able to carry out daily activities on their own
have enough English language skills to communicate with administration staff and local community
be in their late twenties or thirties
* Students who are enrolled in undergraduate or graduate schools at the time of application and/or during the residency period are not eligible. 

Deadline:April 1, 2006

Arcus Studio
Attn. Yoko Nameki / Keiko Suzuki
2418 Itatoi
302-0101 Moriya, Ibaraki
phone: +81-297-46-2600 

(17.03.2006) ZDROJ: Artservis
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