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Koncepce umění
Future City Game
Symposium Ostrava
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Creative Cities
Domů PodporaStipendia, rezidence

Artists in Labs Project

Univerzita aplikovaných věd a umění v Curychu, projekt Umělci v laboratoři AIL poskytne podporu až 12 umělcům na rezidenční pobyty v devíti různých švýcarských vědeckých laboratořích v roce 2004. Švýcarští a nebo mezinárodní umělci různého věku se mohou přihlásit s projekty na rezidenční období 3 - 6 měsíců. Termín 5.ledna 2004.

Zurich, Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Zurich
Artists in Labs Project

AIL will sponsor up to 12 Residency Awards in nine different Swiss science laboratories in 2004. If you are a national or international artist, interested in science, you can apply with a proposal for a residency period of 3 to 6 months.

The aim of the AIL Project of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Zurich is to encourage education, research and innovative processes and methods of production, which blend the disciplines of art and science. It is assumed that innovative research basically takes place in novel collaborative environments like these, so we wish to encourage you all to apply.

Project proposals from artists who wish to work with the following scientific disciplines are encouraged: Bio-chemistry, bio-technology, solar energy, computational and information science, electron microscopy, micro-electronics, artificial intelligence research, ecological risk research, medicine, micro robotics, nano-technology, physics and environmental science research. Information including application forms, regulations and laboratory details are available at the website.

Artists from any age or nationality may apply.

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Zurich
School of Art and Design Zurich
Hafnerstrasse 31
CH-8031 Zurich
tel: 0041 (0) 1 446 26 55
fax: 0041 (0) 1 446 26 53


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