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ArtsLink - podpora výměny s USA

New York, USA
CEC International Partners - ArtsLink je program podporující výměnu mezi umělci, uměleckými managery a uměleckými organizacemi Spojených států a střední/východní Evropou, Ruska a střední Asie. Termín podání přihlášek k podpoře 5 týdenního pobytu v USA je 5. listopadu 2004, jak pro oblast tance, hudby, divadla, literatury (pobyt na podzim 2005), tak pro oblast výtvarného umění a nových médií (pobyt na podzim 2006).

1. ArtsLink Residencies

Who: artists and arts managers from Central/Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia ('ArtsLink Fellows')
What: five-week residencies at U.S. arts organizations
Info: Since 1993 ArtsLink has funded 313 Fellows in 175 different organizations in 31 states.

ArtsLink Residencies places artists and arts managers from East/Central Europe, Russia and Eurasia 'ArtsLink Fellows' at U.S. arts organizations for five-week residencies. We alternate the disciplines that we fund each year, so please check below to determine when you should apply:

November 5, 2004 - Dance, Music, Theater and Literature (Residency will take place in the fall of 2005)
November 5, 2005 - Visual and Media Arts (Residency will take place in the fall of 2006)

2. Independent Projects

Who: artists and arts managers from Central/Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia
What: projects in the United States
Info: Applicants must have already established a working relationship with a U.S. non-profit arts organization. Since 1999, ArtsLink has supported 34 Independent Projects.
Applicants MUST have a letter of invitation from a U.S. non-profit organization in order to apply for an Independent Projects award.

3. ArtsLink Projects

Who: U.S. arts professionals and arts organizations
What: projects in Central/Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia.
Info: Awards ranging from $ 2,500 to $ 10,000 are made for projects designed to benefit participants and audiences on both sides. ArtsLink has made 259 awards in this category.

In 2005, ArtsLink will accept applications in the categories of visual and media arts. Performing arts and literature applications will be accepted in 2006.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? ArtsLink Projects applications are accepted from individual artists, curators, presenters and non-profit arts organizations. Applicants must have been invited to undertake a project by an individual or organization in a country listed below.
Awards are made in a given discipline on an alternate-year basis:

  • In 2004, ArtsLink Projects will accept applications in the disciplines of dance, music, theater, and literature.
  • In 2005, ArtsLink Projects will accept applications in the disciplines of visual and media arts.

Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Scholars, administrators, critics, students and amateur groups are not eligible to apply. Individuals or organizations that have received three previous ArtsLink Projects awards are not eligible. Projects focusing solely on research, the production of an audio recording, or film post-production are not eligible.

Eligible countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

ArtsLink is a public-private partnership of CEC ArtsLink, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Trust for Mutual Understanding, and the Ohio Arts Council with additional funding from the Kettering Fund and the Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation.

Podrobné informace:

(30.07.2004) ZDROJ: Artservis
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