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Creative Cities
Domů PodporaStipendia, rezidence

Centrum umění CAMAC nabízí rezidence pro umělce/umělkyně všech disciplín

Centrum umění CAMAC ve francouzském městě Marnay sur Seine nabízí měsíční až šestiměsíční rezidenční pobyty pro začínající i etablované umělce/umělkyně ze všech zemí a disciplín; (literatury, malířství, sochařství, architektury, designu, multimédií, video artu, nových technologií, hudby, tance etc.). Uzávěrka pro podávání přihlášek je 18. února 2009 a 30. dubna 2009.    

Call for application

Camac - Centre d'art marnay art centre
Self-directed Residencies
The artist in residence programme aims to bring together artists in mid or advanced career stages from all countries and all disciplnes (writing, painting, sculpture, architecture , design, multimedia and video art, new technologies, installation art, music, dance, etc) for a concentrated prriod of one to six months). This programme aims to support residents in their creative explorations, investigations and professional growth within an environment of communication and exchange. The artists are loged in one of the seven recently renovated studios or accommodations.

Program dates:
March 1st – December 15th, 2009 and January 15th to february 31st – 1 to 6 month residency period
Application deadline: February 18th (residency period February to July 31th) and April 30th, 2009 (residency period August to February 2010)
The selection of artists is done by the artistic committe of CAMAC whose decision is motivated by the quality of the project, its adequacy to the CAMAC´s
philosophy and the environment as well as applicant´s past achievements.
Fiction worshop with Sarah Van Arsdale
June 1st – June 14th
June 16th – June 30th
This workshop is designed to help you free the reigns and allow your
subconscious to go to work, so that you can dive more deeply into character and story. Each class will have time for writing exercises, for discussion of various points of writing such as setting, dialogue, and description, and for critiquing one another's work. Together we'll create an atmosphere of friendly criticism, with the intention of encouraging the writers to say that which is most important to them. We'll take the work seriously, but we'll do it with great good humor.

Beginners and more experienced writers are welcome; you can use the workshop either to generate ideas or to work on something already in progress.
Creating environment with Elisabeth Woods
July 1st – July 15th
This workshop program will opens debate and stimulates a far-reaching interpretation of our environment.

This fortnight will bring together, in a spirit of cooperation and respect, people who would like to work in nature or in-situ and would like to expand upon their practice or just beginning to develop their concepts.

For more information and to apply:

Jean-Yves Coffre

1 grande rue
10400 marnay sur seine

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