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Centrum WaterMill nabízí rezidence pro umělce a umělkyně z celého světa

New York, Centrum Watermill nabízí rezidence pro dosud neobjevené umělce/umělkyně z celého světa bez ohledu na uměleckou disciplínu potenciálního rezidenta.  Důraz je kladen na experimentální, mezioborové a výzkumné projekty. Členy mezinárodní výběrové komise budou například Michael Morris, Nike Wagner, Alanna Heiss, a Marina Abramovic ale také odborníci z oblasti společenských věd Ida Nicolaisen a Richard Sennett. Časový rozsah rezidenčního pobytu se pohybuje od jednoho do čtyř týdnů. Předmětem rezidence mohou být jak rozpracované také nové projekty. Uzávěrka pro předložení projektů je 25. června 2010.
Watermill is a "laboratory for performance" that supports the development of experimental and cross-disciplinary art. Watermill invites emerging artists to submit ambitious proposals for the creation of collaborative work that critically investigates, challenges, and extends the existing norms of performance practice. Watermill also welcomes research proposals from established scholars. Watermill possesses a strong international profile and continues to extend its network of associates, encouraging proposals from artists based within and outside the U.S.

Application Process
Proposals can be made for the further elaboration of works-in-progress or for entirely new works. Past Artists-in-Residence have included performance and theater artists, filmmakers, sound designers, architects, composers and musicians, visual artists, dramaturgs, scholars, and authors.

In general, the Selection Committee seeks proposals that contain the following:

1. a concise description of the intention of the proposed residency rendered in clear and accessible language;
2. a general artist statement or manifesto from the individual or collective ensemble; and
3. work samples that give the Selection Committee an indication of the breadth of the professional experience of the applicant(s).

The application process includes the uploading of sample materials and an online narrative application. Please ensure that your proposal narrative and work samples are accurate and complete before submitting. Applicants may upload images (JPEG), video (.mov, .wmv, or .flv), or PDF documents. For good image quality and fast upload, image files should be sized no larger than 1280 x 1280 px @ 72 dpi. Please keep video files under 20MB.

The uploaded information should be in the following order:

1. One (1) still image representative of the proposal, such as a dramaturgical or research image;
2. One (1) photo portrait of the lead applicant
3. Remaining uploads should be samples of previous work. Wherever possible, please upload moving image work that is no longer than five minutes in duration. Each selection should be a separate upload and should begin with the most important action (please do not include credits). Do not include more than three moving image uploads. The process will prompt you for description details, including date, venue, project, collaborators, etc.
Application Portal
The Watermill Center uses Slideroom to gather proposals and work samples for its residency program. All proposals must be submitted via Slideroom. There are NO exceptions. Both still image and video work samples are accepted, though for time-based and performance works the inclusion of high-quality and well-edited video is strongly recommended.

Please visit to submit your proposal.

Please be sure to specify that you are applying for the Fall/Spring Residency 2010-11 program, NOT the International Summer Program. The Summer Program is NOT a residency program for your own projects, entails a different application process, and takes place during a different time of year.

There is a $10 USD fee per proposal that can be paid on the Slideroom website. 

Application instructions and further guidelines are found on the Slideroom website. For all technical assistance, contact Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 pm (EST) on June 25, 2010 (NEW DEADLINE).

For questions about the program, contact  
Sherry Dobbin
Watermill Program Director
+1 (631) 726-4628
(16.06.2010) ZDROJ: Watermill Center
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