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Centrum židovské historie stipendia i pro umělce a spisovatele

New York, USA Centrum židovské historie vyhlásilo program mezinárodních stipendií, který zahrnuje stipendijní pobyty jak pro zkušené vědecké pracovníky/pracovnice tak pro jedince na počátku vědecké dráhy. O stipendium se nicméně mohou ucházet také začínající umělci/umělkyně či spisovatelé/spisovatelky a to díky pětiletému grantu nadace Vivian G. Prins Foundation ve výši $750,000, který Centrum židovské historie obdrželo. Grant podpoří ty stipendisty/sipendistky,kteří se ucházejí o dlouhodobou práci na výzkumné a vzdělávací pozici ve Spojených státech amerických. Uzávěrka pro předkládání grantů je 15. prosince 2011.
The Center for Jewish History in New York City has announced the expansion of its international fellowship program to include senior scholars, early career scholars, and emerging artists and writers through a new five-year, $750,000 grant from the Vivian G. Prins Foundation. The grant will support fellowships for those who seek permanent teaching and research positions in North America.

The application deadline for Fellowships starting in fall 2012 is December 15, 2011.

We invite foreign scholars who seek permanent teaching and research positions to apply for this award, which will support 12-month fellowships for scholars who are at the beginning of their careers. Fellows will be provided with an annual stipend of $35,000 to conduct original research at the Center's Lillian Goldman Reading Room and utilize the vast collections of our partners. This award allows the Center to serve as the gateway for the best and brightest emerging scholars seeking to begin a new academic life in the U.S.

It is required that each fellow chosen for the award:

◦Conduct original research at the Center
◦Deliver at least one lecture based on the research conducted
◦Actively participate in the scholarly community at the Center
◦Acknowledge the Center for Jewish History and the Prins Foundation in all publications resulting from the fellowship
◦Submit a report upon completion of the Fellowship describing her/his experience as a Center Fellow

◦Open to scholars from outside the United States who seek permanent teaching and research positions who are at the beginning of their career. Preference will be given to candidates from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
◦It is the responsibility of the applicant to have the appropriate visa for acceptance of the stipend (award) for the duration of the award
◦The Center for Jewish History is not a visa granting institution. The Center for Jewish History will provide pro-bono legal counsel to assist Fellows navigating immigration issues.

Requirements for Application
◦Cover letter stating area of interest, knowledge of relevant languages, and how the project relates to the mission of the Center for Jewish History
◦Curriculum Vitae, including contact information, education, publications, scholarly and/or museum activities, teaching experience, and any other relevant work experience
◦Specific research proposal of no more than five pages, including specific reference to the collections at the Center and clearly stated goals for research during the period of the fellowship
◦Three letters of recommendation, which address the significance of the candidate's work for his or her field as well as the candidate's ability to fulfill the proposed work
◦Please send all application materials together electronically as one PDF continuous document.
◦Letters of recommendation may arrive under separate cover.

The schedule for the application process is as follows:
◦Applications for the 2012-13 academic year are due December 15, 2011.  All application material, including letters of reference, must be received by this date for consideration.
◦Announcement of grant recipients by February 28, 2012
◦Commencement of grant period, September 1, 2012
◦Conclusion of grant period, May 31, 2013

Applications are to be submitted to:
Judith C. Siegel
Director of Academic and Public Programs
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
United States of America
(01.11.2011) ZDROJ: Center for Jewish History

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