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Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto - residenční pobyty léto 2006

UNIDEE (Univerzita ideí) - mezinárodní program residenčních pobytů, vedený Michalangelem Pistolettem je otevřen všem umělcům profesionálům, studentům a absolventům růrných univerzitních fakult ze všech zemí světa v termínu 3. červenec - 31. říjen 2006. Narozdíl od akademických programů, nabízí tento jedinečnou zkušenost výzkumně orientované praxe v různých disciplínách (umění, komunikace, ekologie, ekonomika, vzdělání, práce, výživa, politika, produkce, věda, spiritualita) směřované k zodpovědnosti za transformaci společnosti. Přihlášky zasílejte do 10. dubna 2006

UNIDEE in Residence - International Program 2006
VII Edition

3 July - 31 October 2006
Deadline: 10 April 2006
UNIDEE in Residence is an international program open to artists, professionals, students and graduates of various university faculties from any country in the world.

UNIDEE offers an experience unlike anything offered in any other university or academic program: a research-oriented practice that operates within each discipline and is directed towards the responsible transformation of society and the creative activation.

The UNIDEE programs are directed by Michelangelo Pistoletto. The course in residency include an active participation in meetings and seminars hold by experts and professors of various humanistic, scientific, economic, political, artistic and social disciplines.

The residents work individually or in groups to develop ideas and projects, working along creative lines pertinent to the following fields: Art, Communication, Ecology, Economics, Education, Work, Nutrition, Politics, Production, Science, Spirituality.

The work of the UNIDEE residents involves constant interaction with the offices of Cittadellarte, which put the program of responsible social transformation into effect through projects developed in conjunction with public and private institutions, companies, cultural bodies and economic and production structures.

All the events in the Cittadellarte program - exhibitions, conferences, performances and workshops - offer further opportunities for the residents to explore issues and develop ideas.

At the end of the residency, the ideas that have been generated are presented publicly at the UNIDEE in progress exhibition-event.

:: How to apply
A maximum of twenty residencies are available each year.

The residency lasts four months, from 3 July to 31 October.

The official language is English.
The Cittadellarte selection panel chooses candidates on the basis of their aptitude for developing projects relating to the aims of the University of Ideas.

Applicants are invited to send any material they consider pertinent to such an assessment: curriculum, documentation of previous work, one or more examples ( well-developed or developing during the residence) of projects that illustrate their approach to the theme of responsible social transformation.

A filled-in and signed application form must also be included with the material.

The overall estimated cost for each resident is 10,000 euros. Scholarship grants are available, total and partial cover . Anyone interested is invited to consult the website or to contact the organizing secretary for further information.

The sum includes:
- seminars during the residency
- attendance of the workshops
- technical and teaching assistance, visits and inspections
- participation in Cittadellarte activities
- board and lodging on the premises

UNIDEE 2006 is supported by:

Ermenegildo Zegna; Love Difference; A. M. Qattan Foundation; Universidad de Antioquia; Inlaks Foundation; Snait ; Hangar; Provincia di Biella; Illy Caffe.

Apply now for a new grant awarded by UNESCO, Aschberg program for an artist coming from: Africa, Sud America, Medioriente, Est Europa, Asia, to participate a UNIDEE in residence 2007.

Applications must be submitted by 10 April 2006 (postal stamp) to the following address:

UNIDEE in Residence
Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto
Via Serralunga, 27
13900 Biella - Italia

tel. +39 015 0991462/471
fax +39 015 2522540


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