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Columbia University - Center for the Study of Law and Culture Fellwship 2006-2007

New York, USA
Kolumbijská universita zve zejména ženy, osoby všech barev, neameričany a nezávislé vzdělance k studijnímu pobytu v Centru studií práva a kultury. Pro akademický rok 2006-2007 jsou vyhlášena témata: pozadí práva, archivování paměti, právní základy. Stipendia ve výši 30 000 USD, kancelář, počítač, univerzitní ubytování a plný přístup do univerzitní knihovny, počítačových systémů a rekreačních zařízení jsou k dispozici zkušenějším badatelům. Termín přihlášek je do 13. února 2006.

New York, USA 
Columbia University
Women, people of color, non-US and independent scholars are particularly invited to apply. 
The Center for the Study of Law and Culture at Columbia University invites applications for residential fellowships for the 2006-2007 academic year to undertake research, writing and discussion in ways that span traditional academic disciplines. The CSLC welcomes scholars from any field who are interested in spending the academic year in residence at Columbia Law School working on scholarly projects relating to the CSLC's 2006-2007 theme: Law's Back-Ground: Archiving Memory, Grounding Law. The Law & Culture Fellowship is available to senior graduate students and post-doctoral candidates, including untenured faculty.
Founded in the fall of 2000, the Center for the Study of Law and Culture is an initiative at Columbia Law School designed to facilitate interdisciplinary study, research and scholarship on the intersections of law and culture. Our goal is to make the CSLC an institutional site for coordinating and coalescing the important, yet dispersed, interrogations of the relationship between law and culture that are already being undertaken across disciplines at Columbia University. By promoting and providing a home for cross-disciplinary engagement and collaboration, the CSLC will enrich each of our individual projects in law and culture studies.

Fellows will receive a stipend of $30,000, an office, computer, eligibility for university housing, and full access to university libraries, computer systems and recreational facilities. Fellows will be expected to participate in CSLC activities including presentation of a paper at the Center's Colloquium Series, and assistance in organizing Center events.

Applicants should submit:
1- a curriculum vitae
2- a writing sample (in the English language, about 25 pages in length)
3- a research statement (of approximately 1,000 words) that
- describes the proposed work during the fellowship period
- explains the project's significance to the topic of Law's Memory: Archiving Memory, Engaging Law
- sets forth its interdisciplinary nature

4- TWO letters of recommendation (if sent with application, letter should be sealed in letterhead envelope and signed over the flap by referee). If more than two are sent, it is not guaranteed that all letters will be read.

Applications must be received at our office no later than February 13, 2006. E-mail applications will be accepted. Letters of recommendation may be sent under separate cover. Incomplete applications will be immediately disqualified.

Center for the Study of Law and Culture, Columbia University 
435 W. 116th Street 
N.Y. 10027 New York
tel: (212) 854-2511 

(25.01.2006) ZDROJ: Artservis

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