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DAAD - Visiting Professorship Program - zima 2005

Bonn, Německo
Program je otevřený všem vysokým vzdělávacím institucím v Německu a všem subjektům a akademikům ze všech regionů světa. Je očekáváno, že hostující profesoři představí mezinárodní perspektivy v univerzitním každodenním učebním procesu. Termín pro podání žádostí o podporu je 15. ledna 2005.

DAAD Visiting Professorships Programme

The programme is open to all German higher education institutions, to all subjects and to academics from all regions of the world.

Foreign visiting professors will be expected to introduce an international perspective into the university's everyday teaching operations. This means students will be able to benefit from an international learning experience and from intercultural skills while they are still at their home university, rather than having to wait until they spend time studying abroad. The initiative for a visiting professorship comes from the German higher education institution. Before submitting its application, the German university will reach appropriate agreement with the candidate and will check the candidate's qualifications and suitability for the planned teaching position.

Besides extensive teaching experience, foreign visiting professors must have convincing academic qualifications. The German university agrees to integrate the teaching provided by the visiting professor into the regular curriculum. This programme funds longer-term visiting professorships.

Model A - Individual Visiting Professorships

Model A provides funding for individual foreign university teachers completing a visiting professorship at a German university in the form of a time-limited teaching assignment.

Model B - Visiting University Chairs

Model B provides funding for a visiting university chair which will serve as a structure-building measure to facilitate and consolidate the internationalisation of a degree programme.

Funding applications for a visiting professorship/a visiting university chair must include:

  • the application form (separate forms for Model A and Model B, respectively)
  • the project budget
  • a statement of reasons for the application
  • a contentual description of the planned courses to be given by the visiting professor (Model A),
  • a description how the visiting university chair's subject focus is significant to the degree programme (Model B)
  • Curriculum vitae and list of publications for the proposed candidate(s).

Departments and faculties are entitled to submit applications through their directors or deans, with the university rector or president acting as a co-signatory. Once the proposal has been agreed within the university, please advise the DAAD accordingly.

Under Model A (individual visiting professorship), the German university will send its application direct to the DAAD.

Under Model B (visiting university chair), the application will be sent to the DAAD via the ministry of education and culture in the respective federal state. To accelerate the process, a second original should be sent direct to the DAAD at the same time.

Please send applications to the DAAD, Section 212 (Head of Section: Dr. Isolde Wienhard).

Maja Bednarz
Postfach 20 04 04
D-53134 Bonn
tel: +49(0) 228) 882-404
fax: +49(0) 228) 882-603


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