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danceWEB 2006

Vídeň, Rakousko
danceWEB 2006 je jedním z nejprestižnějších evropských studijních programů současného tance vůbec,  je jedinečnou příležitostí profesionální výměny, reflexe, a tréningů choreografů a tanečníků na počátku jejich kariéry. Zhruba 50 účastníků ze 30 zemí bude navrženo k získání grantu, aby se mohli ve dnech 13. července - 16. srpna 2006 zúčastnit Evropského studijního programu. Termín pro podání přihlášek je 30. ledna 2006

danceWEB 2006: European Scholarship Programme for Contemporary Dance, Jul/Aug 06, Vienna 

danceWEB 2006
July 13 - August 16 - Vienna

Application form & general information
Deadline: January 31, 2006

„It began here, this carefree relish of jumping, the metaphor of my experience at danceWEB. The ultimate freedom after I jump before I fall where nothing holds me, breathing in, out and holding my breath all at once; that place where I can imagine there is nothing but possibility.“
Gabrielle Nankivell (AUS/BEL/SLO)

danceWEB - a unique possibility for professional exchange, reflection and further training for young choreographers and dancers at the beginning of their careers. Up to 50 participants from 30 countries will be nominated for danceWEB 2006 grant.

danceWEB - a meeting with impulses going far beyond the immediate work in Vienna itself, a forum for supporting and accompanying the careers of its participants.

danceWEB - a network linking students, choreographers, companies and educational experts in an open an critical debate.

danceWEB takes place in the frame of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival. The following services are offered to danceWEB scholarship recipients:

* Individual artistic coaching by the danceWEB coach
* Participation in a personal selection of the 150 dance workshops at ImPulsTanz 2006
* Participation in the research projects led by internationally reputed choreographers at ImPulsTanz 2006
* Free admission to all performances of the festival ImPulsTanz 2006
* Special projects exclusively offered to danceWEB scholarship-holders
* Free accomodation in Vienna for the period of the Scholarship Programme
* Connection to the international danceWEB database

Selection of artists at ImPulsTanz 2006:
Inaki Apillaga (Brussels), Thierry Baë (Villeneuve), Marion Ballester (Paris), Marco Berrettini (Geneva), Jonathan Burrows (London), Viviane De Muynck (Antwerp), Lynda Gaudreau (Montréal), Zvi Gotheiner (New York), Chris Haring (Vienna), Andrew Harwood (Montréal), Kathleen Hermesdorf (San Francisco), Saskia Hölbing (Vienna), Akram Khan (London), Martin Kilvady (Bratislava), Benoît Lachambre (Montréal), Sri Louise (San Francisco), Mathilde Monnier (Montpellier), Janet Panetta (New York), Chrysa Parkinson (New York), Salva Sanchis (Brussels), Marten Spangberg (Stockholm), Storm (Berlin), Mark Tompkins (Paris), Angelique Willkie (Brussels) and many more - updates see As of November 2005, line-up subject to change.

Artistic Board of danceWEB:
Emio Greco (I/NL), Ismael Ivo (BR/D), Susanne Linke (D), Vera Mantero (P), Ko Murobushi (JP), Stephen Petronio (USA), Pieter C. Scholten (NL), Mark Tompkins (USA/F), Jorma Uotinen (FIN), David Zambrano (VEN/NL) & more than 100 partner institutions worldwide

Main funding partners of danceWEB 2006: Culture 2000 programme of the European Union, Goethe-Institut Munich, Kulturamt der Stadt Wien, Kulturkontakt Wien, Rudolf Nureyev Foundation, Bundeskanzleramt Kunstsektion, UNESCO/Aschberg as well as 40 regional and national institutions.

Museumstr. 5/21
A-1070 Wien
T: +43 1 523 55 58-37
F: +43 1 523 55 58-88
Kontaktní osoby: Rio Rutzinger, Michael Zellinger

(20.01.2006) ZDROJ: danceWEB
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