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Darling Foundry: šestiměsíční rezidence pro vizuální umělce a umělkyně

Montreal, Kanada
Mezinárodní rezidenční program v montrealské Darling Foundry je podporován kanadským Arts Councilem. Program nabízí šestiměsíční stipendium zahraničním vizuálním umělcům a uměkyním na pobyt v alternativním komplexu pozoruhodné architektury, přičemž poskytuje příležitosti pro výzkum, tvorbu, produkci a výstavy. Víceúčelový prostor zahrnuje ateliéry, ubytování, technické workshopy, výstavní prostory, restauraci a kanceláře. Počátek rezidence je plánován na leden 2012. K pokrytí cestovních a životních nákladů i nákladů spojených s produkcí díla obdrží vybraný umělec či umělkyně grant ve výši 23,000 CDN. Uzávěrka pro předkládání žádosti je 1. června 2011.

The Darling Foundry
International Residency Program
Call for artists
The Darling Foundry, located in Old Montreal (Quebec, Canada), is an alternative visual arts complex with an outstanding architectural design. The Darling Foundry provides opportunities for research, creation, production, and exhibition. Its multifaceted spaces, spanning 3500 square meters, provide room for residency studios, living accommodations, technical workshops, gallery spaces, a restaurant and offices.

The International Residency at the Darling Foundry is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts. The program supports foreign visual artists from outside of Canada. One residency of six months will be awarded. The schedule of the residency is from the beginning of January 2012 to the end of June 2012. The resident artist will receive a grant amount of 23,000 CDN which contributes towards travel, subsistence, and production costs.

The resident artist will be provided with a studio measuring 100 square meters and a separate living accommodation (for single occupancy), with access to common living spaces. In addition, the Darling Foundry provides the laureate with organizational and technical assistance, promotion and networking opportunities.

The resident artist will have the option to participate in open studio events, studio visits by arts professionals, and trips to artistic events. Applications are evaluated by a selection committee consisting of arts professionals. The committee base their selection on the artistic quality of the applicant’s artistic work, the potential impact of the residency on the applicant’s career, and the contribution to the Montreal and Canadian arts community.

Application form and Support Materials must be submitted by June 1st, 2011 to the address below.

Application deadline: June 1st, 2011

Darling Foundry
International Residency Program
Darling Foundry 745 Ottawa Street
H3C 1R8 Montreal, Quebec
tel: 514.392.1554

(19.04.2011) ZDROJ:

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