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EMARE - European Media Artists in Residence Exchange - rezidence pro umělce EU

Evropští umělci, kteří pracují v oblasti digitálních médií a to včetně internetu a počítačového umění, filmového, zvukového a videa umění jsou zváni, aby se přihlásili na dvouměsíční rezidenční pobyt v prestižních partnerských organizacích EMARE ve Skotsku, Anglii, Holandsku, Německu a Lotyšsku v termínu do 31. srpna 2004.

EMARE - Call for applications

The tenth European Media Artists in Residence Exchange will take place between Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005.

  • Europe based media artists working in the fields of digital media including internet and computer based art, film-making, sound and video art are invited to apply for a two month residency at the following EMARE Partner Organisations:
  • Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, Scotland
  • Hull Time Based Arts, Kingston Upon Hull, England
  • V2_Organisation, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Werkleitz Gesellschaft, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
  • RIX-C, Centre for New Media Culture, Riga, Latvia (N.B.: - The final confirmation of Riga will be decided in October! Please choose alternatives!)

Participating artists will be provided with accommodation, access to technical resources, and a stipend of 2,000 Euros, plus travel expenses of up to 250 Euros. EMARE Partner Organisations will also arrange for a public presentation of the outcomes of the residency.

Applications should include:

  • a current Curriculum Vitae
  • documentation of recent projects
  • a proposal sketch for the project which will be developed within EMARE.

Artists with residence in or an identity card for the European Union and candidate countries (eg. Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey) are invited to participate. Print out the application form and send it along with supporting materials materials to the following address:

EMARE, New Media Scotland, P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ, Scotland, UK

Deadline: 31 August 2004

You can download the Application Form from

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

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