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Eyebeam - Artists in Residence

Brooklyn, New York
Program je určen umělcům, kteří pracují multidisciplinárně v oblastech jako je pohyblivý obraz, zvuk, hmotné počítačové práce, technické prototypy, performance workshopy a veřejné intervence. Účastníci budou mít mj. k dispozici studio, technickou a produkční asistenci, honorář. Termín 8. března pro období 1. dubna - 30. července 2004 a 15. října 2004.

Open Call for Artists in Residence Proposals

Eyebeam is pleased to announce an open call for the Spring 04 round of its Artist in Residence (AIR) program. Applications and instructions can be found below. Proposals are due at Eyebeam's administrative offices on Monday, March 8, 2004 at 12:00pm. Artists will be notified about the AIR Selection Committee's decision by the end of March. The residency will run from April 1 - July 30th and will take place in Eyebeam's Brooklyn studio location.

Participants in the AIR program develop multidisciplinary work that ranges from moving image, sound and physical computing works, to technical prototypes, performances, workshops and public interventions.

Residents receive production support through 24/7 studio access, an honorarium, access to cutting-edge studio and exhibition equipment, expert technical support from Eyebeam staff, production help from interns, opportunities to teach, guest lecture and/or assist with on-going educational programs (for additional stipends), as well as the option to show work at Eyebeam. Depending on the project, AIR work can be presented as gallery installations, demonstrations of research in progress, panel discussions, on-line projects, public workshops, or multimedia performances. For a list of available studio and exhibition equipment, please see the downloadable equipment list below.

Artists benefit from working amongst a wide range of fellow artists at the Eyebeam studios. An orientation, open studios and studio visits are planned to facilitate interaction amongst artists and the community. Artists will also have the opportunity to interact with R&D research groups and explore potential art-technology collaborations.

Some of the most exciting applications of technological tools lie in their integration with the contemporary artistic process. The AIR program will merge the respective energies of audio visual post production, interactive programming, interface design, social intervention and education, in order to facilitate knowledge-sharing and make collaboration and invention the paramount goal.

We recommend that artists applying to the residency program from outside of the United States apply to program one cycle in advance. Eyebeam is currently unable to offer additional funding to assist artists from foreign countries with travel and/or lodging for the residency period. Therefore, Eyebeam suggests advance planning and application to afford artists the time to seek travel grants and stipends through foundations or government agencies in his/her home country. The next AIR cycle will begin approximately October 15, 2004 and last five months. Please note an early application in your request, as well as potential funding sources in your project description.

Please note that application materials cannot be returned.

Applications due: March 8, 2004 at 12:00pm.

Send to:
45 Main Street, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201


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