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Forum Stadtpark - artists-in-residence

Graz, Rakousko
Šest umělců bude po dobu 8 týdnů na cestách z města do města, kde vždy stráví dva týdny, aby se mohli zabývat výzkumem a prací a zkoumali městské struktury Lipska, Ústí nad Labem, města Dunajváros a Grazu. Grant ve výši 4 000 Euro zahrnuje náklady na cestu, ubytování a materiálové náklady. Výsledky budou představeny na výstavě v galerii Emila Fily v Ústí nad Labem. Termín přihlášek je 19. prosince 2005.

Forum Stadtpark
Air_cruise 2006
artists-in-residence project - call for applications 
Six artists will be on the move from one city to the next for eight weeks, in each of which they will stay for two weeks and do some research and work. They are asked to investigate the urban structures of the cities from this point of view. Four very different cities have been chosen for the air_cruise 2006: Leipzig, Ústí nad Labem, Dunajváros and Graz.How is political, economical, social, and cultural development shown in urban structures and how is it characterised by the citizens? How much does a city reveal of its specific character if you stay there only for a little while? Can the artist make visible developments, structures and characters and/or visions that lead to a change? To use this situation offers various possibilities that shall lead to a work of art that will be shown in the exhibition at Emil Filla Gallery in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, and will be published in the general catalogue of the project.

The call for entries is directed to artists working with different media. The actual residencies of the air_cruise 2006 will take place in two periods, either February/March or April/May. The artists will be in close connection to the institutions that will host the project.

Selection / Jury:
The artist selection will be made on the basis of the applications submitted by a jury consisting of representatives of each partner institution. The jury meeting will take place in mid-January.

air_cruise 2006 includes:
8 weeks of travelling to 4 cities with a stay of 2 weeks each 2 travel periods, either February/March or April/May
A general grant of EUR 4000,00, including travel and accommodation expenses, as well as material costs
An exhibition at Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, in July 2006
A publication in the general catalogue of the project „Against-Within“

How to apply:
Artists from all European countries (from Great Britain to Russia and Norway to Turkey) are eligible to apply for the air_cruise 2006.

A full application consists of:
A completed and signed application form sent by postal mail
A CV with sufficient information about one’s artistic activities
A motivation statement for the air_cruise 2006 (not more than 1 page)
A small documentation of recent work: visual material in print, VHS (PAL) DVD, CD-ROM (PC and MAC compatible)

IMPORTANT: Please don’t send any originals, since submitted materials will NOT be sent back!

Full applications are received by postal mail.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Forum Stadtpark
c/o air_cruise 2006
Stadtpark 1
8010  Graz
tel: +43 316 82 77 34-16
fax: +43 316 82 77 34-21 

(02.12.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
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