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Headlands nabízí rezidenční pobyt pro umělce a umělkyně mnoha disciplín

Obrázek k článku Headlands nabízí rezidenční pobyt pro umělce a umělkyně mnoha disciplín
Centrum Headlands nabízí 35 rezidenčních, plně hrazených, pobytů. Kalifornské Headlands získalo mezinárodní věhlas jako místo společné práce a sektávání umělcům a umělkyň všech disciplín, kteří hledají nové metody, přístupy  a experimentují v oblasti umění. Délka rezidence se pohybuje od čtyř do deseti týdnů s průměrnou dobou pobytu dva měsíce. V současné době jsou k rezidenčnímu pobytu přijímáni umělci a umělkyně ze všech oblastí vizuálních umění, performing arts, hudby, hudební skladby, zvuku, filmu, videa, nových médií, literatury etc. Na rezidenční pobyt se mohou hlásit umělci a umělkyně z celého světa. Uzávěrka pro předložení přihlášek je 4. června 2010.
Headlands Center for the Arts Artist in Residence Program
Call for applications
Headlands Center for the Arts' Artist in Residence Program has earned international renown for bringing together pioneering artists and arts professionals in all disciplines- visual, performance, writing, interdisciplinary, music, composition, sound, film, video, and new media- from throughout the U.S. and the world.

The Artist in Residence program provides a supportive working environment that allows time for artists to experiment, reflect and grow, both individually and collectively during their stay.

The program offers fully sponsored, live-in and live-out residencies to around 35 artists each year from March to November, and is distinguished in that there is no fee to participate.

Through the support of generous donations, Artists in Residence are provided with a studio, shared housing and five meals a week for live-in artists. A studio and dinner twice weekly are provided for live-out artists. Stipends of up to $500/month are available pending funding and sponsorships secured each year.

Residencies range from four to ten weeks, with an average stay of two months.

Artists are selected based upon merit, through a mixture of open application and invitation. Headlands currently accepts applications for residencies from artists working in all disciplines mentioned above. Headlands Center for the Arts also provides Bridge residencies by nomination to artists who are leaders in using the creative process as a catalyst for social change.

How To Apply:

Begin by reviewing the descriptions of Headlands residency programs. To apply, follow the link below to the Headlands portal on SlideRoom.

Once you have logged in, you will be prompted to choose the program you are applying for (Artist in Residence, Tournesol or Affiliate), upload images documents and complete the application form.

Applicants may upload images (jpg), video (mov, wmv, flv), music (mp3) or PDF documents. For good image quality and fast upload, images should be sized around 1024 x 768 pixels, at 72 dpi. Video files must be kept under 60MB. All Word or other word processing documents must be converted to PDF format.

A note on applying as a collaborative or duo: Artist collaboratives should apply together by submitting ONE application per group, specifying the number of individuals on the application form. For live-in Artists in Residence, Headlands can accommodate no more than three total artists in a collaborative group.

Please note that only full applications will be considered. A full application includes the following:

-resume or curriculum vitae
-letter of interest, outlining your specific interest in working at Headlands and how a residency will effect your practice
-list of three references, including names, mailing addreses, phone numbers and email addresses
-documentation of recent work (see application form for discipline-specific guidelines)
-$35 processing fee (Artist in Residence Program only)

Due to the volume of applications we receive, please note that we will contact you regarding the status of your application. We ask that you refrain from calling our emailing to inquire about your application status.

Though artists are strongly encouraged to apply online, you may choose to send a hard copy application.

If you are applying by regular mail, please send application materials to the address below.

Deadline: July 4th, 2010
Headlands Center for the Arts
Artists in Residence Program
944 Fort Barry
CA 94965 Sausalito
tel: 415-331-2787 ext 24
(21.05.2010) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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