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Henry Moore Institute: výzkumný stipendijní pobyt

Leeds, Velká Británie
Institut Henryho Moora, světoznámé centrum pro studium sochařského umění, vyhlašuje dvouletý výzkumný stipendijní pobyt na téma sochařské umění před dvacátým stoletím se zvláštním důrazem na vzájemné vazby minulosti a současnosti. Výzkumné stipendium je určeno umělcům/umělkyním, studentům/studentkám i kurátorům/kurátorkám. Stipendisté/stky obdrží roční grant ve výši 21,000 GBP. Uzávěrka pro předkládání nabídek je 30. června 2011.
The Henry Moore Institute is a world-recognised centre for the study of sculpture in the heart of Leeds. An award-winning exhibitions venue, research centre, library and sculpture archive, the Institute hosts a year-round programme of exhibitions, conferences, lectures, research, and publications that aim to expand the understanding and scholarship of historical and contemporary sculpture. It is a part of The Henry Moore Foundation, which was set up by Moore in 1977 to encourage appreciation of the visual arts, especially sculpture.

The Institute invites applications for a two-year fellowship, beginning in Autumn 2011. Based at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds, the focus of the Fellow’s research should be the study of pre-twentieth-century sculpture in the expanded field, paying particular attention to the ways in which history is engaged with in the present.

Research Fellowships are intended for artists, scholars and curators, working on historic and contemporary sculpture using the Institute’s library, archive of sculptors’ papers and the collection of Leeds Art Gallery. Up to 4 fellows will be given the opportunity to spend a month in Leeds to develop their own research. With access to our resources and an on-going dialogue with the Institute staff, fellows are free to pursue their own interests in a supportive and stimulating environment.

The Research Fellow will take responsibility for the research, organization and realisation of one workshop and one international conference at the Henry Moore Institute relating to their own specialist research. The Fellow will take an active role within the day-to-day activities of the Institute, assist the Research Team’s work with fellows and events, and programme one series of public talks in relation the exhibition programme.

The Henry Moore Institute Research Fellow will receive an annual grant of 21,000 GBP per annum on a fixed two-year non-renewable contract.

Deadline for submissions is 30 June 2011.

Deadline: June 30th, 2011
Henry Moore Institute
Kirstie Gregory – Research Programme Assistant
The Headrow
LS1 3AH Leeds
tel: + 44 (0) 113 246 7467
(14.04.2011) ZDROJ:

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