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Mexico City: Letní pobyt pro umělce, kurátory, kritiky a historiky umění

Mexico City, SoMA, prostor pro současné umění v Mexico City, nabízí letní šestitýdenní program pro umělce/umělkyně, kurátory/ky, kritiky/ičky a historiky/ičky umění, v jehož průběhu se prostřednictvím výukových bloků a dialogu seznámí s myšlenkami umělců a kurátorů působících v Evropě, USA a Latinské Americe. Letošní cyklus je zaměřen na témata re-use, ready-made, remix a další. Program vyvrcholí společným setkáním, na němž vybraní stipendisté a stipendistky představí výsledky své práce. Program probíhá v anglickém jazyce v termínu od 3. července do 13. srpna 2011 a na pobyt bude vybráno dvacet jednotlivců. Stipendium zahrnuje celkem 3000 USD pro šestitýdenní pobyt,  avšak bez ubytování, diet a dopravy. Uzávěrka pro příjem žádostí je 13. května 2011.
SOMA Summer offers a series of short seminars and workshops led by a selection of renowned Mexican and international artists and curators. A number of guided visits to museums and artists studios are scheduled. Participants also have the possibility of meeting weekly with a variety of artists and curators for individual critiques and conversations. This six-week intensive program culminates with an open studio/lecture event, where participants will show the development of their work.
Soma Summer will introduce participants to the very dynamic art scene in Mexico City. This summer, workshops and seminars will focus primarily on methods of appropriation and re-use, including discussions about the ready-made, the copy, détournement, and remix culture. Activities are designed to promote intense creative work and artistic dialogue.
Participants will have access to shared studio spaces at SOMA facilities. All studios have wireless internet access. At present, there are no photo, video or printing facilities. However, for those who participate in the program SOMA will assist in finding affordable production in Mexico City, regardless of medium or method.
Applicants must have significant experience in their field. They are expected to participate in all of the program’s activities. Applicants must hold a valid passport (and visa, if required).

Group Critique: six-hour group critique with Carla Herrera-Prats (artist, MX)
Affective Labour of Caring and Politics of Dedication: nine-hour workshop with Larissa Harris (curator, USA) and Anthony Huberman (curator, CH)
Appropriation and Intellectual Property in Contemporary Art: 9 hour seminar with Nate Harrison (artist and writer, USA)
Alternative Education Strategies – Learning and Art Education as a Utopian
Group Process: 9 hour workshop with Nils Norman (artist, UK)
Residue and Appropriation: A Theoretical Approach: 9 hour seminar with Mariana Botey (artits/theorist, MX)
Varieties of Readymade Experience: 9 hour seminar with Anthony Graves (artist and writer, USA)
Off sideDF: 9 hour site specific workshop with Eduardo Abaroa (artist, MX)

Magalí Arriola (curator, MX)
Tania Candiani (artist, MX)
Ruth Estevez (curator, MX)
Gonzalo Lebrija (artist, MX)
Cuauhtémoc Medina (curator, MX)
Artemio Narro (artist, MX)
Yoshua Okón (artist, MX)
Gonzalo Ortega (curator, MX)
Edgar Orlaineta (artist, MX)
Víctor Palacios (curator, MX)
Bárbara Perea (curator, MX)
Vicente Razo (artist, MX)
Jorge Reynoso (curator, MX)
Tyler Rowland (artist, USA)
Melanie Smith (artist, UK/MX)
For a complete list of activities scheduled for this summer, workshops and seminars description, please visit:

Online applications will be accepted until Friday May 13, 2011. However, the size of the group is limited to twenty participants and the application review  process begins April 1, 2011.
- Cover letter
- Work statement
- Portfolio of twenty images or writing sample
- audio and video documentation can be uploaded via youtube or vimeo (indicate the URLS in your work statement)
Notice: All texts and portfolio must be uploaded in PDF format.
For additional questions, please contact:
Carla Herrera-Prats at
Calle 13 #25 casi esq. Revolución
Col. San Pedro de los Pinos
03800 México D.F.
T (5255) 5277 4947

twitter: @SOMAmexico

Tuition is 3,000 USD for the six-week program, which does not include accommodations, per diem or transportation. 5,500 USD is a reasonable total budget approximation for the six-week stay in Mexico City (tuition, housing, food, recreation, transportation). SOMA Summer will assist participants with locating housing.
We have a special rate at Hostal Virreyes:

Scholarships/tuition remission are available. Based on portfolio review and proof of financial need, one participant will receive a 50% discount, and three participants will receive a 30% discounts. Send a separate request letter to Carla Herrera-Prats at

SOMA is an experimental pedagogical project launched in 2010 conceived to promote discussion and exchange in the field of contemporary art.
(23.03.2011) ZDROJ: SOMA Mexico City

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