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Mezinárodní rezidenční program na ostrově Suomenlinna

Helsinky, Finsko  Mezinárodní rezidenční program zajišťovaný organizací HIAP (Helsinki International Artists Programme) nabízí umělcům a umělkyním s minimálně 3 letou profesionální dráhou či absolventům a absolventkám uměleckých škol jedno až tříměsíční stipendium ve studiu umístěném na ostrově Suomenlinna v bývalé tovární budově "Cable Factory". Rezidence jsou z hlediska oborového zaměření bez omezení. Uzávěrka pro předkládání přihlášek je 31. prosince 2011.
HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme
Standard Residency Programme
Call for Applications

Standard Residency Programme by HIAP provides the visitor with accommodation and studio-space free of charge for the duration of 1–3 months. HIAP Studios are located in Cable Factory and on the Island of Suomenlinna, both in Helsinki, Finland. Please note that standard residency includes only accommodation and services. Standard residency does not include grant nor travel expenses. Support for travel and living expenses, materials, can be obtained by the artists themselves from appropriate sources with administrative support from HIAP.


Applications are received throughout the year and are processed within a flexible timeframe. Please note that there are no application forms or application deadlines for the Standard Residency Programme.

HIAP welcomes artists with a wide range of backgrounds and diverse practices. The selection is based on artistic merit and there are neither limitations nor preferences in factors such as country of origin, age, media, etc.

The main criteria for the selection are the originality and quality of the artistic practice. HIAP seeks artists whose work is unique, demonstrates clear ideas and a fresh artistic approach, and is relevant to both contemporary art and society.

In addition, there are several guidelines the HIAP Jury will take into account when assessing any proposal:

- Applicants should be reasonably fluent in English (spoken and written).

- Applicants should normally have at least 2–3 years of proven professional practice or have
completed a university level degree in a relevant field of study.

- Applicants should be prepared to produce new work during the residency, or have a clearly
formulated working plan and schedule for the residency period.

- The ability to present one’s artistic practice to other arts professionals and audiences in Helsinki and to participate in small-scale public events (such as exhibitions and presentations) is normally considered to be an advantage.

- Though not specifically required, a plan to organise short courses, workshops or other educational events will be considered an advantage.

Applications should include all the following information and material:

- Curriculum Vitae

- Project Proposal

- Portfolio or extensive samples of previous work

- Full personal and contact information, including email-address

All project proposals and applications of a professional standard submitted for a residency period at HIAP are appropriately considered.

It is advised that in order to speed up the processing of the applications, all the material included with the application should be presented as both print-outs on paper and as digital files. Video and sound files should be included as digital files only. Please make sure that all digital material is Macintosh compatible.

Please note that due to the amount of materials received HIAP is not always able to contact applicants to address individual inquiries regarding submitted proposals or to comment further upon the selection process. HIAP will usually make contact only when an opportunity for an invitation arises. HIAP is unable to return or archive any unsolicited material.

Send your application to the postal address below.
Deadline: 31/12/11

HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme, Standard Residencies
Marita Muukkonen, Jaakko Rustanius
Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C 97
00180 Helsinki
tel: +358 45 319 4741

(29.11.2011) ZDROJ:

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