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PACT Zollverein - residence pro choreografy a režiséry

Essen, Německo
PACT Zollverein nabízí residenční pobyty pro výzkum, vývoj projektu nebo jeho produkci. Výzva je určena profesionálním choreografům, režisérům a performerům z Německa a dalších zemí. Maximální délka pobytu jsou dva měsíce. K dispozici je vybavené studio (63-173 metrů čtverečních) a speciální podpora pro fundrising, projektový management, tisk a public relations.  Termín zaslání přihlášek 16. února 2005.

PACT Zollverein
Residencies 2/2006
Call for Entries
PACT Zollverein is offering residencies for researching, developing or realising a project or production.

The call for entries is issued twice per year to professional choreographers, directors and performers from both Germany and abroad. The maximum length of a residency is two months. Different models of support are available and can be shaped to suit individual needs.

A residency can incorporate the following:
Studio space (from 63 to 173 sqm)
Technical stage rehearsals (with technical supervision and support)
Daily professional open class
Local accommodation
Specialist advice in project funding, project management, press and public relations

A residency project will not necessarily have a public showing.

Applications should include:
the completed application form
a detailed covering letter, curriculum vitae and project description
a demonstration video (PAL) or DVD of the applicant's own work
(Please do not send the material via registered mail!)

All complete applications submitted by this date will be considered and replied to in writing.

Successful candidates may be asked to attend a preparatory talk in Essen. Please note that it is unfortunately not possible to return your application material to you.

PACT Zollverein
Residency 2/2006, Attn.: Anke Fleckenstein
Bullmannaue 20
D-45327  Essen
tel: 0049-0201-2894712
fax: 0049-0201-2894701

Residencies 2/2006
Call for Entries
Rok prijave / Deadline: 16/02/06 (post-marked)

(05.12.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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