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Roční postgraduální program pro umělce - výzkumníky

Lyon, Francie
Ecole nationale des beaux-arts v Lyonu nabízí mezinárodní jednoletý postgraduální program pro pět mladých umělců - výzkumníků, kteří již dosáhli magisterského stupně vzdělání. Umělci budou mít k dispozici studio, kde mohou pracovat na svých dílech. Během postgraduálního kurzu je kladen důraz na rozvoj uměleckého díla, jeho reflexi a schopnost diskuze s francouzskými i zahraničními umělci, kurátory, kritiky, galeristy, filosofy a dalšími osobnostmi. Podmínkou účasti je znalost anglického či francouzského jazyka. Úspěšní kandidáti obdrží stipendium ve výši 4000 Euro. Uzávěrka pro podávání žádostí je 15. května 2009.

Research Program Post-diplôme Fine Arts Postgraduate Program

Ecole nationale des beaux-arts, Lyon, France


Further to its diploma courses, The National School of Fine Arts of Lyon -ENBA, offers a one-year postgraduate course with an international orientation, for a small group of young artist-researchers who have acquired at least a Master's degree.

Since ten years The ENBA, convinced that the singularity of an art school depends, among other things, on its freedom to reinvent itself and fully assume its transmission function, decided to set up a postgraduate diploma course for a selected group of five young artists from different geographical origins who were already engaged in different types of artistic work. During their year-long adventure they have access to the school's infrastructure and studios. They also have a critical accompaniment, a field of interactivity and opportunities for foreign travel.

This is no longer a school, with its reassuring rhythms; and yet it is still a school, with its exacting standards. It is an articulation of elements that are too often separated: teaching and professionalism, the protected environment of the school and exposure to the world. It is by virtue of the paradoxical nature of this kind of relationship to the institution that The ENBA's postgraduate course places the accent on a certain form of destabilisation. And without making any claims to a nomadism that is more difficult than it might seem, the fact remains that travel abroad – in Europe, firstly, but also overseas – is considered a necessary catalyst to the active practice of contemporary art.

The Postgraduate Art Program Lyon, 2009 - 2010:

- this tenth session will include five young artists.
- the artists will enjoy a collective space to carry on their work. The emphasis will be put on the development of everyone's work; on reflection and discussion with foreign and French personalities of high level and various horizons: artists, historians, art critics, curators, gallery owners, philosophers...
- during the selection procedure, the jury's attention will be focused on demonstrable artistic quality and the potential for the development of a work.


Jean-Pierre Rehm, art and cinema critic, independent curator, acting commissioner of the international documentary Festival of Marseille (France).

Material conditions

- The successful candidates each receive a grant of €4,000, paid in two installments.
- collective accommodation is offered to candidates at Lyon. In other places, possibilities of accommodation will be proposed.

Conditions for admission to the postgraduate course

- Applicants must hold a higher diploma (Master's degree) from a national or international school of art, architecture, etc.
- a shortlist is drawn up on the basis of the applications
- admission comprise an interview with a jury composed of personalities in the art world.

Knowledge of French and/or English is required

Deadline for reception of applications:

15 May 2009
Interviews with shortlisted applicants:
June 2009

For all inquiries, please contact:
Elise Chaney
Coordinator of Postgraduate Program, ENBA Lyon
T. +33 (0)4 72 00 11 60


(27.04.2009) ZDROJ: Art and Education
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