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Rezidence 2010 pro kurátory/ky v newyorském ISCP

Brooklynská organizace International Studio and CUratorial Program (ISCP) nabízí sponsorovaný rezidenční dvouměsíční i delší pobyt pro kurátory/kurátorky. Během pobytu mají zajištěnu vybavenou kancelář, mobilní telefon, počítače Mac a přístup k internetu. V závislosti na individuální orientaci kurátora/ky je možné nabídnout také rozsáhlou síť kontaktů centra ISCP s tím, že kurátor/ka se seznámí s konkrétní kurátorskou praxí ve Spojených státech. Program přijímá žádosti o pobyt průběžně, nemá žádnou specifickou uzávěrku. Hodnocení žádostí probíhá jedenkráte za měsíc.
Curatorial Residency

Call for application

The increasingly significant role of the curator in international art, led to the creation of a curatorial adjunct in 1999. ISP thus acquired a "C," becoming the International
Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP).

Curators are sponsored into ISCP for periods of two months or more. Participating curators are provided with a private, furnished office space, cell phone, Mac computers and Internet access.

Curators can take advantage of the same hybrid offered to artists and meet with the scheduled guest critics as well as all other professionals, who visit the program. If their tenure is concurrent with an Open Weekend, they are expected to present their work and/or documentation of their projects. Given enough advance notice, the program will contact academic institutions and art organizations to arrange off-site speaking engagements as well as schedule studio visits and introductions. Depending on the individual goals of the curators, ISCP’s vast network of contacts is an ideal basis for becoming familiar with US curatorial practice, pursuing academic research, writing magazine
assignments, surveying the city’s vast range of commercial and not-for-profit exhibition spaces, visiting libraries, museums, galleries, higher institutes of education as well as learning about the unique roles of private sector funding of the arts and philanthropy in the U.S.

The brevity of a curator’s tenure, two to three months, if advantageously used, can be the cornerstone for future projects, whether exhibitions, publishing assignments, lectures or teaching.

More information.

Deadline: there is no deadline, the application review once a month
International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP)
Kristine Siegel
1040 Metropolitan Avenue, 3rd Fl.
NY 11211 Brooklyn
fax: 718 387 2966
Převzato s laskavým svolením
(03.04.2009) ZDROJ:

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