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Rezidenční pobyt Rockefeller Brothers Fund v Centru Bellagio

Rockefeller Brothers Fund  nabízí měsíční rezidenční pobyty pro kreativní umělce ( skladatele, spisovatele, scénaristy, básníky, filmaře a vizuální umělce) v Centru Bellagio. Během rezidenčního pobytu mají jeho účastníci/účastnice k dispozici vlastní pokoj/studio a přístup k internetu včetně finanční prostředků na pobyt. Letenky a místní cestovné si účastníci hradí sami. Uzávěrka příjmu žádostí o rezidenční pobyt je 13. srpna 2008.

The Institute Of International Education would like to notify you of an opportunity at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center in Italy. Please pass this information onto interested colleagues.

Program Description
For nearly fifty years, the Rockefeller Foundation has hosted scholars, creative artists, and practitioners at Bellagio for concentrated work on major projects. The Bellagio opportunity is not a grant, but rather a time to interact with a professional community while working toward tangible personal achievement.   

The Bellagio Center is open to scholarly (i.e. humanities, social sciences, academic disciplines) and practitioner (i.e. policy makers, non profit leaders, and public advocates) participants. It currently extends this opportunity to creative artists (composers, novelists, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers, and visual artists) for a stay of one month of uninterrupted work away from usual personal and professional demands. The Bellagio center also offers participants a chance to interact with a diverse and talented group of intellectuals through special dinners and gatherings. Flexible schedules are available for practitioners working at non-profit or NGO organizations.

Program Benefits
The Bellagio residency provides room/board and high-speed Internet access to all residents free of charge. Participants must pay for their own airfare and local transportation. Please note that financial assistance can be made available to successful applicants whose limited means might otherwise prevent them from accepting a residency.

Applicant Profile
Residents at the Bellagio Center in 2007-2008 represent a diverse group of more than 20 countries, including: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, Israel, Lebanon, Canada, the United States, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Togo.  Applicants from outside the United States and Western Europe are particularly encouraged to apply, as are individuals working on projects aligned with the Foundation's objective to expand opportunities for poor or vulnerable people.

Selection Process
The selection process for Bellagio is very competitive and will be based on a set of criteria, which will be reviewed by the Rockefeller Foundation. The center will ultimately favor professionals with significant experience and strong project proposals.

Application Deadline

The deadline for applications to the spring 2009 residency period is August 13, 2008.

Further Information
To learn more about Bellagio, and to view the online application, please visit

You are also welcome to direct any questions you may have to the Institute of International Education Bellagio Office at or +1 212/984-5537.


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