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Rezidenční pobyty pro umělce z oblasti nových médií

Turku, Finsko Finská Asociace umění Sumu Artists nabízí rezidenční pobyty pro umělce, kteří pracují s novými médii na rozhraní moderních technologií a současného umění. Délka pobytu  je od jednoho do tří měsíců. Centrum umění se nachází na jihozápadě Finska ve městě Turku. Turku bude evropské město kultury v roce 2011. Umělcům bude k dispozici ateliér a ubytování. Ateliér sousedí s galerií Titanik.  Ta je provozována asociací umělců. Náklady na jídlo a dopravu si umělec hradí sám. Materiál do výše 200 EUro může uhradit asociace. Uzávěrka pro předložení projektů je 30. září 2009.

Short description of programme
The residence is for new media artists, working in the intersection of new technologies and contemporary art. This includes performance art and all types of new media: sound art, video art, installations, etc. Artists can apply to our residence once a year with an individual submission, which should include CV, samples of recent work and a project plan. The proposal can include an exhibition, which takes place in the end of the residency, either in the studio space or on our website.

Discipline(s) and media
Visual arts
New Media

Duration of residencies
From one to three months.

Grants, Allowances, Production Grants, etc.
The artist gets up to 200 euros per month for work expenses in Turku. Studio, accommodation and exhibition space are free of charge. We also collaborate with other spaces. The artists have a possibility to give lectures in Arts Academy of Turku and give paid workshops in their chosen field.

Expenses paid by artists
The artists must fund all their living expences including food and transportation.

Applications: who/how
New media artists, working in the intersection of new technologies and contemporary art.
Application: once a year, with an individual submission, which should include CV, samples of recent work and a project plan.


Please prepare an individual submission, including:
- project plan (short, clear & realistic, max one page)
- short artists? statement (max one page)
- CV (max one page)
- DVD / CD including a maximum of 10 minutes worth of samples in PC format
- samples of recent work as print-outs (3 - 5 pieces)

The submissions will not be returned. E-mail or internet applications are not accepted, only submissions sent by mail are processed.

The proposal can also include an exhibition either in the studio space or on our website at the end of the residency.

Deadline September 30th, 2009

Please send your completed submission by mail to:
Gallery Titanik / Sumu
Itäinen Rantakatu 8
20700 Turku

Paula Väinämö
Residencies Coordinator, Arte
tel. +358 2 2338 372

(18.09.2009) ZDROJ: Titanik Gallery Turku

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